All Mauls in Baldur's Gate 3 Listed (2025)

By Ali Amir / Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Guides / January 6, 2025

Discover everything you need to know about all Mauls Listed in Baldur’s Gate 3 and the best one to use in combat.

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Mauls in BG3 are two-handed deadly weapons, dealing devastating damage with the right one equipped in combat. This weapon type is for frontline fighters who want to dominate the battlefield with raw power and disruptive effects. Foebreaker is the best Maul to use in combat due to its unique benefits and properties. Selecting the best one is crucial because your gameplay mostly depends on whether you’re a close-range player. In this guide, we’ll discuss all Mauls in Baldur’s Gate 3, their properties, and the unique bonuses they provide to players in combat.

Mauls Overview in BG3

The Mauls in Baldur’s Gate 3 are two-handed martial melee weapons, dealing 2-12 Bludgeoning damage without enchantments. Mauls have unique effects and are excellent for crowd control and high single-target damage. These weapons require both hands to wield, so they can’t be used with a shield. These weapon types are excellent against enemies vulnerable to bludgeoning damage, such as skeletons or other undead.

Mauls scale with Strength, making them an easy pick for strength-based builds. Mauls like Corpsegrinder are ideal for dealing damage to multiple enemies. It can struggle to hit high-AC enemies without buffs and offers limited versatility. You can equip it to your character’s main hand weapon slot in the inventory, providing additional bonuses and buffs. The user needs Martial weapon proficiency or suffers penalties while wearing the weapon. You can equip it with martial weapon proficiency in any class, companion, or character.

What is the purpose of Mauls in BG3?

The purpose of Mauls in Baldur’s Gare 3 is to serve as melee two-handed weapons specially designed for strength-based characters. These characters prefer massive damage output and crowd control. This type of weapon is the hardest-hitting weapon in the game due to its base damage of 2d6 Bludgeoning. Most unique Mauls like Doom Hammer, Corpsegrinder, and Foebreaker have specialized effects.

  • Backbreaker- This weapon action allows you to put extra force behind your strike to possibly knock your enemy prone.
  • Concussive Smash- This weapon action allows you to hit an enemy with all your might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.
  • Tenacity- This weapon action allows you to deal Bludgeoning damage equal to your Strength modifier anyway (minimum of 1) when you miss an attack.

Overall, the Mauls provide high-damage, strength-based melee options that excel in crowd control and dealing with foes vulnerable to bludgeoning damage. They are pure melee weapons, so you may struggle against flying or distant enemies without a ranged weapon like a Crossbow.

List of All Mauls in BG3

Here are all the Mauls in Baldur’s Gate 3 including their damage, damage types, and special.

WeaponRarityDamageDamage TypeSpecial
Rusty MaulCommon2d6Bludgeoning
Doom HammerUncommon2d6BludgeoningEdge of Terror Each strike fills the target with a chilling dread that prevents it from regaining hit points. Undead creatures also get a Disadvantage on Attack rolls.
HamarhraftUncommon2d6BludgeoningShockwave When the wearer Jumps, they deal 1d4 Thunder damage in a 3 m / 10 ft radius upon landing.
Maul +1Uncommon2d6 + 1Bludgeoning
CorpsegrinderRare2d6 + 2 1d4Bludgeoning ThunderGrand Slam Slam your weapon into the ground, dealing additional Thunder damage equal to your proficiency bonus, thunderously impacting nearby foes and possibly pushing them away.
FoebreakerVery Rare2d6 + 2BludgeoningLethal Weapon This weapon ignores resistance to Bludgeoning damage.

Tips and Tricks for Using Mauls in BG3

Here are all the tips and tricks for using Mauls in Baldur’s Gate 3.

  • Use spells like Enhance Ability or Giant’s Might with Mauls to effectively increase your utility along with the damage.
  • Equip Mauls with abilities like Backbreaker (knocking enemies prone) or Concussive Smash (dazing enemies).
  • Barbarian, Fighter, or Paladin can take advantage of a maul’s damage output. Barbarians benefit from Rage, Fighters gain multiple attacks, and Paladins can combine mauls with smites for massive burst damage.
  • Use Feats like Great Weapon Master to gain a bonus attack after a critical hit or killing blow.
  • Combine Mauls with abilities or items that increase your critical hit range to amplify Maul’s devastating impact in a fight.
  • Abilities like Grand Slam or environmental effects can make this weapon more effective.
  • Use the maul to destroy doors, walls, and other objects during exploration as it’s more useful outside of combat in BG3.
  • Switch to a ranged weapon for situations where melee isn’t feasible.

Best Mauls in BG3

Here are the best Mauls in Baldur’s Gate 3 to use in combat.

  1. Foebreaker- A very rare, two-handed maul that ignores the bludgeoning resistance of its targets.
  2. Corpsegrinder- A +2 maul that deals additional thunder damage and grants its wielder the Grand Slam weapon action.
  3. Hamarhraft- An uncommon maul that deals Thunder damage when the wielder jumps.
  4. Doom Hammer- A two-handed, uncommon, bludgeoning maul that deals 2–12 damage.

1) Foebreaker

DamageEnchantmentWeapon SkillLocation
2d6 + 2 Bludgeoning+2Lethal WeaponCan be found in a hidden chest in the Karsus section

Foebreaker is a very rare +2 maul that ignores the Bludgeoning resistance of targets. It deals 2d6 +2 Bludgeoning and has a range of 1.5 in combat. This is the best Baul in Baldur’s Gate 3 and is extremely overpowered due to the significant damage it deals with and its weapons skills. You can destroy the walls and doors, which are normally resistant to Bludgeoning. Foebreaker allows you to dominate enemies that are vulnerable to Bludgeoning damage.

You can find Forbreaker in a hidden chest in the Karsus section. Tenacity works well with this weapon because it deals with bludgeoning damage equal to your strength modifier when you miss an attack. Its high base damage and enchantment further enhance its effectiveness in combat.

2) Corpsegrinder

DamageEnchantmentWeapon SkillLocation
2d6 + 2 Bludgeoning+2Grand SlamLooted from Cairos at the beaches west of Rivington

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Corpsegrinder Maul provides great damage with added strength modifier and bludgeoning damage. You get extra thunder damage and the Tenacity perk. Making it, by default, a hard-hitting maul that you can pick up early in Act 3. The Tenancity and Grand Slam bonuses will pair fantastically with any melee class, barbarian, fighter, or paladin being the best. The weapon skills are very good as well. Backbreaker can land enemies prone, Concussive Smash can Daze a target, and Grand Slam acts as a 3m area-based knock.

You can kill many enemies by knocking them off ledges, not to mention Corpsegrinder does area damage. You can get Corpsegrinder by looting the Stone Lord Agent’s body on the secluded beach in Rivington during Act 3. Lae’zel, Minthara, Karlach, and Minsc are the companions who can use this weapon. It combines high base damage, extra thunder damage, and the Grand Slam ability, making it the best weapon for characters specializing in two-handed melee combat.

3) Hamarhraft

DamageEnchantmentWeapon SkillLocation
2d6 BludgeoningNoneShockwaveFound at Waukeen’s Rest in a Gilded Chest

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the Hamarhraft might seem like a regular two-handed Maul, but a unique bonus grants you a small area-of-effect attack that doesn’t require casting a spell. This special bonus is called Shockwave. With it, when the user of the Hamarhraft jumps, they deal 1-4 Thunder damage in a 3-meter radius upon landing. This ability would be a great way for a melee character to enter the fray, and damage multiple enemies at once.

Furthermore, if you wanted to get creative, you could use the surrounding environment. There is at least one spell, Create Water and several different types of water bottles in Baldur’s Gate 3. Casting or throwing these on the ground will create a Water Surface. If you cast a Lightning Spell over the same area, you can create an electrified surface. This can cause enemies to become Electrocuted. Hamarhraft is found in a locked gilded chest on the second story of the Inn at Waukeen’s Rest, Act 1.

4) Doom Hammer

DamageEnchantmentWeapon SkillLocation
2d6NoneEdge of TerrorBought or stolen from Grat the Trader in Goblin Camp

In Baldur’s Gate 3, The Doom Hammer offers a unique bonus that prevents enemies from regaining hit points and applies the chilling dread status effect with each strike. Moreover, when wielded against undead creatures, it disadvantages their attack rolls. While The Doom Hammer is a respectable weapon for the game’s early stages, you’ll want to consider upgrading to a more powerful option as soon as possible.

You can get the Doom Hammer from the vendor in Goblin Camp during Act 1. It afflicts targets with Bone Chilled conditions on each successful hit. It deals 2d6 Bludgeoning damage with a range of 1.5m. Its ability to prevent enemies from healing makes it particularly effective against foes that rely on regeneration or healing abilities. Doom Hammer’s disadvantage effect on undead creatures boosts its utility in areas populated by such foes.

FAQs about All Mauls in BG3

Are there Mauls in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Yes, Mauls are available as a weapon type in Baldur’s Gate 3. These are versatile marital melee weapons that most of the classes can use.

How many Mauls are there in BG3?

There are 7 Mauls in Baldur’s Gate 3, ranging from nonmagical to special/magical type variants.

Looking For More About Baldur’s Gate 3?

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All Mauls in Baldur's Gate 3 Listed (2025)
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