Chadron Record from Chadron, Nebraska (2024)

ww rvww ryyyrr rT vtrwriwpimp wr-w 'frrrir? rrjr r-. CHADRON RECORD. TtiBvdBy.Juni 3B Local amateur radio club plans field day Northwestern Nebraska Hams are fearing up to set long distance cob tact records ud practice emergency Members of the Pine Ridge Amateur Radio Gub will work around the clock this weekend to set up field radio communication stations, get on the air, and contact hundreds of other operators ia the United States and Canada as part of participation in the American Radio Relay Leagues Field Day. According to club president. Brace Bump, field day is the annual shakedowa ran for the ARRL's National Field Organization.

Bump said field day is a way for hams to get outdoors and have fun under some difficult conditions. But its also a chance to fine-tune our emergency communication skills. We use generators and our equipment is set up out doors at the National Guard Armory on the CSC campus. About 18 hams are expected to participate this year. They are all members of the Pine Ridge Amateur Radio Gub and will come from Gordon, Rushvillc, Hemingford, Alliance, Crawford, and Chadron.

Nationally about 35,000 hams will participate. These same hams have beea effective ia establishing emergency communications networks during floods, hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, and other major disasters. Each year, the PRARC competes with Hot Springs Amateur Radio Chib for the high acore tepfay. The Chadron Club has woa the trophy for the past two years. Chatfron's field day operations will begin at the National Guard Armory, Saturday June 27 at lOajn.

and wiU end June 28 at noon. The public is invited and encouraged to visit the event aay time. For more information contact either Brace Bump at 432-4383 or Neil Ziller 308-282-1487. Make plans now for 1998 Farmers Market This year the chamber would like to see mare flowers and crafts sold in addition to produce. "As you grow your gardens this summer plant extra vegetables and flowers for the fall season to exchange or sell at the Fanners said Jeana Lam-Pkkett, executive director.

We are encouraging people to plant more flowers for flower bouquets to sell at The Chadron Dawes County Area Chamber of Commerce announces the 1998 Farmers Market is scheduled for Sunday, August 30 from 11:30 am to 4:30 p.m. The market will be located on Main Street, between Second and Third Streets. In the past, the Fanners Market has created the opportunity for farmers and gardeners to sell produce. cost to participants. The chamber encourages all gardenen and farmers to participants in this years market.

Booth space is open to everyone and it is free. Last year the Farmen Market was a great success and continues to grow each year, said Lam-PicketL For more information call the GiadronDawes County Area Chamber of Commerce at 308-432-. 40l. the show, said Lam-Pickett. New at this year's market will be a perennial exchange.

This will involve bulbs and other seeds to be exchanged. Those who plan to participate need to start marking floto-ersbulb colon before the season is over to prepare for the exchange. This way participants will know the kind of bulbs and colon of ihc.flow-cn before the fall market. Perennial Exchange will be no Relay for life scheduled for July SwimjrungPoolsU! Complete Douphboy Pools! IncludN: Pool, 10 ad his 1 1A HP pm wnd lur. Mta; ground pad, tom, star cows Smart.

Mm nd. bum, toarematp, Superior Spa Pool W.Hwy 30 Grand Island (306)) 395-9650 (888)721-8030 Also In: stouxcrty 800-690-6560 Cound BUteOmaha 888-603-9661 402-333-9033 RairaJ pinto Chadron's Aid Association for Lutherans branch 10109 presented Scott and Kristen Pearson family with a funding match for proceeds of a May 10 benefit for their son, Jeffrey, who is' fighting a rare form of cancer. From left, front row, Kristen, holding daughter Jordan Pearson, Scott Pearson holding Jeffery. Back row, Loma VB Eliason, Pastor Allan Schmidt of Immanuel Lutheran Church, and Martys Fiscus of the AAL. Museum chooses new name for special events day ByANNAHENKENS Record Reporter Last year, the Relay for Life program earned almost $5000 to ftmd the American Cancer, society programs of service, research, and education.

Barb Franklin, organizer of Relay for Life hopes to double that amount for this year. Relay for Life begins on July 24 at. 6 p.m. The event is at the high school football field. A relay team involves 8 to 12 individuals, walking dr running in a relay form.

Each group must continue for 18 hours. Last year there were 15-20 teams who participated. Franklin said, we'dure like to. have more than that this year. Each team entry costs $75.

Those people who had teams last year should be receiving information in a few weeks, said Franklin. Those participating in the event, or those just watching can campout on the football field (he night of July 24. Many fun filled activities will be provided for entertainment. Donna Ritzen, activities organizer for Relay for Life said that there would at least two live music performers, Lloyd Drust who was recognized as the best tong writer and solo performer in CoIorado and Deb Carpenter from Rushville. Both will be performing mostly folk rock music.

Ritzfcn also said that there might1 be a karaoke, volleyball, frisbee golf, and croquet, however plans are The First National Bank of North Platte, Chadron and the First National Bank of Chadron each donated $25. Entry boxes were placed at Cleo's Daily Grind coffee shop, Donalds Drive-Inn, Hardee's, Grocery Kart1 and the Chadron Senior Center. History definitely played a part -in the museum, Faulk said. Action is a definite part of special events (by, with buggy rides, horse shoes, making rope, churning butter and making bread. -The list goes on and on about what was being done when Dawes County was first settled, she said.

Faulk thanked the entrants and businesses participating in the contest. GARAGE SALE June 27. 840 Parry 8 a.m.-7 Mite items. Proceeds will go to the Chadron Volleyball team. 35696-23-lt YARD SALE Friday; June 26 1 -4 p.m.

ft June 27, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Clothes-Cheap. Loti of other stuff- books, crafts, bikes, toys, CDs, wicker furniture, motorcycle, car. 22 Redwood CT. 35706-23-1 1 DAWES COUNTY DISTRICT.

69 is accepting applications for a fulltime teacher's aide. School is located approximately 16 milci south of Chadron. School year will begin Sept. 8. Applicants should send resume to still in their tentative stages.

Luminaries, candles representing those who have survived cancer or those who have died from it, will be for $5 a piece. For information on how to sign for the event please call Barb Franklin at 432-6999, or 432-3840. or call Becky Motsick at 432-4950. Garage Salas YARD SALE June 27 from 8 a.m.,-7 at 526 Chapin St. Refrigerator, infant's A women's clothes, books and many other miic.

items. Don't miss out some great buys. 35676-23-1( GARAGE SALE Sat. loti of good Road, three; 35686-23-It COME SEE ALASKA Need good dean cut hard workers. Must be 18 or older $400 to $700 per week, extra pay for CDL drivers, lb set up, operate and lake down amusem*nt equipment.

Starting now. and ending Labor Day. Free air fare and living quarters for. workers Who stay to the aid. Farm or Ranch background desired.

Drug testing will be required upon arrival. Call 308-327-2844. 35726-23-216-3Q 4 ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE Technical support and training. The Wind2 financial management system for Windows 95NT is in use by Over 4,300 professional service firms across the U.S. and Canada.

It is the leading time-billing, project control and accounting1 system in its market. Our expanding technical support and training team is looking for a few additional talented individuals. Must have at least throe yean of accounting experience with preference to candidates with experience using andor supporting-automated accounting sys -f terns. The position is located in Ft. Collins, Colorado, a town of.

about 100,000 along the foothills of northern Colorado. Excellent salary and benefits package. A unique opportunity to join a successful company with an exciting future. Send letter of interest and resume to Wind2 Software, Inc. 1901 Sharp Point Dr.

a Collins, CO 80525. 357 16-23-It History in Action is the name of the Dawes County Historical Societys special events day, set this year for Sept. 13. Don Holst of Chadron received a $100 braid for entering the winning chosen from 124 entries by judges from the historical society. Judges Judy Pinkerton, Janet Adams, Jim Sommers, Genevieve Sommers, Marvin Spracklen and Jackie Curd spent nearly two hours choosing the winning entry.

Committee memben Alice Faulk, Lila Ahrens, Pinkerton, Jim and Genevieve Sommers, Adams, Rollin and Jackie Curd, and Spracklin secured donations far the prize and placed entry boxes at local business-. es. iflMtfo lift tM a FOR SALE 8hp Ariens rear tine tiller with new engine ft runs good. Yamaha light plant like new- Also sheet rock 2200Tble Road, Chadron, NE 69337. jack, cement bull float and scroll saw on a stand.

Call 308-432-4750 or see at 377 Lake. I Unootn 800465-6560 LAST MINUTE CLASSIFIED RATES $8.50 up to 20 words 301 for each additional word. Deadline Monday Noon Call 308-432-5511 35766-23-It CALL KINDIG brush painting ft spray painting. Call. 308-432- 2795.

35776-23-317-7 WILL CLEAN houses or offices, and alio mow lawns, S8, small lawns, $12, large lawns. Call 308-432-8418, 35786-23-lt ootpotalon undwtoa Nabraaka BuNnaaa Oorptaatai AeL 1.Thanameef toaeorpotp-Von ia Airophaad Land ft 2. The adftaae ol fw ragte-terod oMoa of toa eeipantai to 141 WW Ash Oeak Road, Crawford. Nebraska 69339, and too registered apart of too eorporaaon la Pettok M. Oomealy PO Boa 107ft 201 Eart TIM BbeaL Chattoon, ee ft The tooorpontore of ffw E.

C. FOR RENT 2 bedroom duplexapt. References ft deposit required. Cidl 308-432-5085 after 5 p.m. 35746-23-lt FOR SALE 1987 Ford Tkurus, 4 door CD player, air, cruise.

Price negotiable. Phone 308-432-2574. 35756-23-216-30 iarittWbnyflttgWMrtW6rtiiN6ieroeawi6Mirewmw9wwiww" MlGJlKfflfjnM RICKS FOREIGN CAR SERVICE CARRIES VARIETY OF INEXPENSIVE USED AUTOMOBILES 1994 Hyundai Elantra V. $4,000 1990. Subaru Legacy Wagon 1985 Subaru 4 DR Sedan $250 1989 Mitsubishi Mirage Turbo 1987 Dodge Raider 4X4 $2,850 1985 Chrysler New Yorker (nice) Have been mechanically checked, excellent running condition RICKS FOREIGN CAR SERVICE (Denier) 306 W.

2ND Public Notices NEBRASKA to toe Matter of toe Any 1 Item in the Store. Ofae bphea 7496 JHt VtH 820 NOTICE THE DAWES COURT OF DAWES COUNTY, NEBRASKA Eatotoof Arthur McKinnon, Doooeaoft Estate No, PR96-31 1 Bial fmMsm vmWOy Wfl VMI on May 26, 1998, In ttw County Court of Downs County, Nabraaka, Dougina P. McKinnon, whoan artrtrin ia 7804 HarnnKa Run Rood, LoutevNa, KY 40291 wes Mormnlv nnnaMMl bv toe napr CrodHora must Ito Court on or 1996, or be Ctork of P.O. Bott 60337 1 Stefan Shatter. Harford, Street, PubMi on 23,1996.

o'clock am. CRITES, SHAFFER, CONNEAU.Y, WATSON 6 HARFORD 201 EartThhd Steel PO Boa 1070 Chattel NE 69337 TMaphonK (306) 4324339 PUMi June 16. 23 aid 30, 1996 CaeeNaPRSMI -M a- a noioi i ntrvoy pun ra ft' Thomas, Paraonal ref E. Sanson. Docoeead.

a A fcu hq i ram mnn wf OonMa SoMmiwI VM 221 NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF BICORPORATION Purauart to toe proriaione of Nebraska Ftevtead 8totute 521-19, 173 of too Nabnuka NOfrnwi uorpomon notioo la hereby given toat Panhandte IntamUon for Dteomnnr EducaMon (PJUJLE.) hao amondad Ra AiSctoo In Inoor- 1. The Owponla puipooo haa boon amended to broaden too purpose of too CotponAon to hdude buldtog and mein- weed cored and aducnlon and further to provide for Into- wovfcshopt to Mottled to peel weed man-agetnert conkol. 2. The HM Board of of Vie anUAva of toe.Eetrto. of toa Estate thatr datoa wNh thia baton August 12, toravar barred.

fw County Court 806, Chadron, NE T. VIM, 21345 Attorney tor Personal RapraaanMhfO, Critee, CorwoWy, Wtetoon 6 201 East Third Chadron, NE 69337 June 9, 16, and Research tor Discovery Educator (P.R.I.D.E.) by John Madsen, Director Rueaal W. Harford 918713 Grttee, Shdter, Comerty Wtetoon ft Harford, PXX Boa 1070, Chadron, NE 69337. Rotation June 9, 16, and 2ft 1996. JM ML 237 NOTICE THE COUNTY COURT OF DAWES COUNTY ndaPeMontorDetermtoekm a WUm uiJaJk a.

ram Hw mn nm bean eat tor hoettog to too Deane Oourty Ctartoom at toa Daeoa Oointy Oouttoouaa to Chaftoik Nrtwfca on toa NOTICE OF MCORFORKIION Noloa hereby (ten tort tie indnalgnad hae tamed a A brief reeume even drectots to nine t. 1 4 vi mm.

Chadron Record from Chadron, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.