Keep On Walking - Axefills - Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms (2024)

The bus came to a sudden halt, jolting Percy from his slumber. He instinctively grabbed the pen that was in his pocket, whilst scanning his surroundings, expecting an ambush of sorts. However, he let out a sigh of relief once he spotted the bus sign marked outside as 'Stardew Valley', his stop. He exited his seat, his duffle bag slung over his shoulder, and took a glance at the driver who had just put on a performance worthy of the Grey Sisters. He understood how the driver managed to achieve such a feat once he glanced at her appearance, a woman who looked to be in her 50s gripping a can of beer with one hand, seemingly inebriated. As he stepped foot into land, he was immediately greeted by a woman with red hair, adorned in utility gear and wearing a friendly smile.

"You must be Percy Jackson," she said cheerfully. "I'm Robin, the local carpenter. Mayor Lewis asked me to meet you here and take you to your new home."

Percy, wanting to give a good first impression, extended his hand, which Robin shook warmly. "Hi Robin, thanks for coming to get me."

"No problem at all," Robin replied. "It's always exciting to welcome someone new to the valley. Ready to see your new place?"

"Sure," Percy said, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.

They walked a couple hundred metres following a trail, before passing by what looked like an abandoned shack.

"Thank the gods I'm not living there," Percy commented ignorantly, before he continued walking but stopping once he realised Robin wasn't following him.

"Actually," Robin said, with a hint of pity in her words. "This is where you'll be living. I know it's not much, but I'd be happy to help renovate this place if you want."

"For free?" Percy said wistfully, to which Robin just smiled in reply. "Fine," He groaned. "We can sort it out later. Thanks for helping, uh, introduce me to my house."

Robin took a folded map out of her back pocket, and handed it to Percy. "Of course! If you need any help, just go to the place marked as 'Robin's Shop'. I can assist with any sort of building renovations or supplies. Good luck!" She said, before heading back the way they came from.

Using the key given to him by Chiron, he opened the door to his house, and tossed his duffel bag in the entrance. It was a compact interior, yet still gave a sense of home. As he was now a farmer, he knew his priority was to ensure he had land available for growing crops, which was not possible in the farm's current state due to an abundance in overgrown grass and weeds. Luckily, being a son of the sea came with perks, and so for the next couple of hours until the sun started setting, he used water from a pond nearby to drown out all unwanted occupants in his farm. He quickly tilled a crop of land for it to be suitable for growing plants, before burying parsnip seeds in equal distances and watering them. Finally, once his farm was complete, he set out to town.

The town was illuminated with ambient street lights. It was a stark contrast to the bustling streets of New York City, yet a similar "natural" aura to that of Camp Half-Blood's. The buildings were charming, with their rustic appeal and colourful facades. As Percy walked towards the town square, he noticed a few townsfolk going about their day, each offering him a curious glance, wanting to steal a look of the newcomer.

He noticed that all the buildings were currently closed, except for the salooon, and so he entered it.

Similarly to the outdoors, the saloon had a cosy atmosphere, with dimmed out yellow lights and wooden walls. In contrast, compared to the silence outside, there was a wave of discussion taking place in the saloon. Fairly civilised ones took place in the bar, and competitive arguments were held in what seemed like a game room between three teenagers. It seemed that the saloon itself accepted all ages, as long as those underaged remained in the game room. Percy made his way to the bar, sat on an empty stool, and ordered a beer.

"New in town?" the bartender, Gus, asked, before snorting at his own question. "Actually everyone already knows that, it's not often we get newcomers in this town, so when we do, it's all we talk about."

"Yeah, just got here today," Percy replied with a tired smile, taking a swig of the cold beer. "I'm taking over as the farmer."

Gus nodded. "Well, welcome to Stardew Valley. First drink's on the house."

Percy spent the next few hours drinking and chatting with the locals. He learned about the town's festivals, its history, and the unique personalities that called it home, while also spotting the familiar face of the bus driver, once again downing a beer with her alcoholism reminding him of Dionysus. He was engaged in conversation with the man next to him who introduced himself as Dr. Harvey, before he was greeted by Mayor Lewis himself, and they exchanged formalities.

However, while discussing his living situation, he spotted an interaction in the corner of the bar, between a woman and a man who seemed to be around his age. Based on his excessive touching and her closed posture and lowered gaze, avoiding eye contact, she was clearly in an uncomfortable situation and so he quickly excused himself from Lewis.

Percy, being the genius he is, walked towards the pair and shouted "Hey sis!". The girl, who was initially confused, quickly followed the ploy by responding with a greeting. The man who was next to her wore a confused expression.

"Leah, you never told me the new guy would be your brother" He said with a puzzled look, although he didn't seem to be intimidated by the fact that his brother was now next to her as he still hung an arm around her. Percy couldn't blame him completely, because despite Percy being rather tall and well built himself, the guy in front of him was built like an ares kid. They engaged in conversation a bit, with Percy trying to whisk the girl, Leah, away from him saying that they had family business to catch up on, but to no avail. He didn't want to engage in violence with him, as while he would back himself in a fight, he was trying his best to keep a low profile on his first day, along with just wanting to be rid of that life. However, once the man started bragging about him being the best drinker in town, an idea formed in Percy's head.

"Hey Alex," whose name he had learnt based on their conversation. "You haven't seen me drink yet. I'll take you up on a drinking contest," Percy boasted with false confidence as he has never participated in a drinking contest, but smirked at him with eagerness nevertheless.

Alex raised an eyebrow, contemplating the idea, before saying "I only do drinking contests with wagers. Does a hundred sound good?" Percy nearly yelped in a panic, but for Leah's sake, he agreed to the terms. They walked to the counter, with Leah quickly giving him an appreciative nod before sneaking out the salon as Gus served them each 15 shots of vodka to down.

Needless to say, the drinks started to catch up with Percy rather quickly, and by the tenth shot, he was done. He gave Alex his money and ran out before he could throw up, although not before knocking a pitcher full of water held by a blue haired waitress to the ground and spilling the contents all over his shirt, to which he quickly apologised to the waitress.

Stumbling out of the salon, Percy made his way down the darkened streets. He was doing well, managing to walk mostly in a straight line, when he suddenly collided with something. He heard a cry as someone, not something, hit the pavement.

"Ugh, I think my arm's broken!" a voice yelled out.

Percy looked down, and barely managed to make out a blonde girl glaring at him. However, her tough demeanour was betrayed by the tears in her eyes, clearly emphasising that she was in a lot of pain. She was beautiful, even in his drunken haze, but her expression was less than friendly. Unconsciously, he touched her arm, and willed the water molecules surrounding his wet clothes to his hand, using it to heal her arm. The girl seemed to relax to his touch, as she clearly felt the previous pain on her arm fade. Even her expression seemed to soften, further amplifying her features. Her long, flowing blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders like spun gold, catching the light in a way that seemed to make her glow. Bright blue eyes, framed by delicate lashes, sparkled with curiosity, and she had the perfect figure to compliment it all.

Percy, realising he was staring, quickly shook himself out of his trance, and quickly offered a hand, which she grabbed with her previously hurt arm's hand and stood up.

"Sorry," Percy mumbled, trying to steady himself. "I-I didn't see you."

"Clearly," she said, rolling her eyes. "How did you do that?"

"Uh, I just set your arm, it just, um, slightly popped out?" Percy said, questioning his own words.

The girl seemed to believe him, as she didn't pursue the subject further. "Who are you anyways? I've never seen you around before."

"My name is Percy. Percy Jackson," he replied, slurring his first name. "Just moved here today."

"Great," she muttered. "Well, you're clearly drunk, so I'm going to go home. Hopefully I don't run into you again."

She walked away, leaving Percy standing there, feeling like an idiot. He walked back home with no further run ins, and as he got ready to sleep, he still couldn't shake her off her mind.

Just when he was on the brink of Hypnos' realm, he realised why. She reminded him of Annabeth.

Percy woke up to the sound of a blaring alarm playing through his phone, which did little to alleviate the pounding headache reverberating through his skull. He groaned, pressing his palms against his temples, trying to piece together the fragmented memories of the previous night. He remembered arriving in Stardew Valley, meeting a few locals, and then... a drinking contest? He winced as a sharp pain shot through his head, followed by a wave of nausea.

Sitting up slowly, Percy realised he was still in his clothes from the night before. His mouth was dry, and he felt as if he hadn't drunk water in days. He struggled to recall specific details of the previous night. Flashes of a confrontation and a blonde girl with an arm injury came to mind, but everything was hazy.

"Gods, what did I get myself into?" he muttered, forcing himself to his feet. He needed to get dressed and start his day, even if his body was protesting every movement.

After a quick shower to freshen up, Percy dressed in a clean pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He stepped outside into the crisp morning air, hoping it would clear his head. His first task was to water the crops he had planted yesterday. The field looked better now, with neat rows of parsnips having being planted the previous day.

Percy knelt beside the crops, closing his eyes and focusing on the nearby pond. He willed the water to rise, feeling the familiar tug of his powers responding. Streams of water arched gracefully through the air, descending gently onto the parsnips. The soil darkened with moisture, and the plants seemed to perk up instantly. While the act of using his powers was against his current mindset which was to forget about his mythical life, at his current state he really could not be asked to legitimately water all the crops. Within minutes, all the crops were watered, and Percy felt a small sense of accomplishment.

With his farm duties out of the way, he decided to head to Robin's shop to discuss renovations for his farmhouse. He grabbed the map Robin had given him and set off down the path, nursing his hangover by drinking sips of water.

By the time Percy made his way to Robin's shop, he was feeling more grounded. As he entered, the bell above the door jingled, and Robin looked up from her workbench with a smile.

"Morning, Percy! How's the farm coming along?" she asked cheerfully.

"It's getting there," Percy replied, returning her smile. "Although I was hoping to talk to you about the farmhouse."

Robin nodded, pulling out a set of blueprints. "I figured you'd be in soon. Let's take a look at what we can do."

They spent the next hour discussing various options for the farmhouse. Percy was amazed at Robin's expertise and the range of possibilities she offered. Her blueprints were truly advanced, something Athena would be proud of. They settled on a plan to repair the roof, reinforce the walls, along with increasing the house's surface area.

"This will make it much more comfortable to live in," Robin said, jotting down notes. "It'll take a few days to get everything in order, but we'll get started right away."

"Thanks, Robin. I really appreciate your help," Percy said sincerely.

"Happy to do it. It's what I'm here for," Robin replied with a grin. "And don't worry about the cost." Percy let out a sigh of relief. He was dreading the possible costs that came with the renovations due to his limited financial budget.

"Although I'm going to need a favour done in exchange." Robin added, to which Percy berated himself for his naivety and rolled his eyes in reply. This was feeling like an interaction between a god.

"Listen, I wouldn't ask you to do this if I knew you weren't capable. I need you to get me some iridium ore from the mines for a project I'm working on." Robin said, scratching the back of her neck although whether that was because of itchiness or nervousness, he couldn't tell.

"The mines are east of this house, you won't miss it. It's been abandoned for years, but you should still be able to find good ore in it. You'll have to go really low though. The mines have an elevator, and you should be able to find Iridium ore near U-100. I'm sure your farmer strength will translate to your mining ones." She added, before handing him a pickaxe. Percy agreed to her terms, because he really didn't see how her terms were unreasonable; he'd get a free house renovation, and he'd just have to spend a couple hours mining for ore.

Percy once again thanked Robin for her time, before exiting the shop. As Percy walked back home, he spotted the two people in the valley he least wanted to talk to right now. He spotted the blonde girl from last night, whose interaction had been embarrassingly ingrained in his mind. Next to her was none other than the guy from the salon last night, Alex, who was standing near the fountain with an arm around the blonde girls' shoulders which somewhat confused him for a second, before quickly understanding the type of person he was. Why the blonde girl was with a douchebag like him, he had no idea. He tried to lower his head and keep on walking to avoid them noticing him, but once he heard Alex shout his name, he knew a confrontation was inevitable.

"Hey, look who it is," Alex called out, his tone mocking. "Haley, this is the new guy who thought he could outdrink me."

Percy forced a smile, trying to keep things civil. "Morning, Alex." He then directed his focus towards the girl, who he now identified as Haley. "How's your arm?"

Haley gave him a teasing smile, probably due to Alex's previous remark. "It's fine. I had it checked by Dr. Harvey this morning, and other than a small bruise, it really wasn't a big deal."

Alex's expression darkened. "Not a big deal?" He hissed, before glaring at Percy. "You could've broken her arm," He stepped closer, puffing out his chest to assert his dominance. "Maybe I should put you in your place." He said, clenching his fists as if he were expecting a fight to happen between the two of them.

Percy didn't feel scared, nor was he angry at the threat. He felt like laughing. This guy's reaction was inhumane; his temper was really living up to that of Ares'. "Come on man, if you wanted to fight, why didn't you just ask nicely?" Percy retaliated sarcastically, which to his surprise managed to elicit a giggle from Haley, although she hastily reverted to a neutral expression. Alex's jaw tightened, seemingly infuriated by this response, but before a fight could break out, Percy heard something behind him.

"Hey, you're Percy right? The new farmer?" Percy's head jerked backwards, and he was met with a rather hairy man, with moppy brown hair covered by a fisherman's hat completed with overalls. He briefly recognised him from the salon sitting in one of the corners but truthfully, Percy hadn't paid much attention to him. The fisherman then looked at Alex and Haley, and with an apologetic smile, said "Sorry if I'm intruding, but you guys wouldn't mind if I borrowed Percy for a second, right?"

Alex hesitantly nodded, to which the fisherman smiled and started walking towards the way he came from, motioning for Percy to follow him. Alex scoffed. "You're lucky that old man Willy saved your ass, but next time you're dead." He muttered.

Percy followed Willy in silence, until they arrived at a beach. The beach stretched out before him, its sands soft and golden under the sun. Gentle waves lapped against the shore, their rhythmic sounds a soothing contrast to the bustling town life. Seagulls circled overhead, their calls echoing across the open expanse of blue sky. A salty breeze carried the tang of seaweed and brine, mingling with the fresh, earthy scent of the nearby forests. Needless to say, Percy felt right at home.

Willy sat down on the sand, right next to the shoreline, before gesturing for Percy to do the same. They both stared out to the sea, embracing the tranquillity that was the waves lightly slapping against the sun-kissed sand. "How have you been settling in, son?" Willy asked, continuing his focus on the ocean.

"I mean you saw what just happened between me and Alex, but other than that it's been great," Percy said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Willy just let out a light laugh in reply.

"Don't worry about Alex, he's always been one to initiate fights. He used to be really active in the combat scene, before he had to be relocated here due to family matters. Since then he hasn't really been able to take his anger out on anyone," Willy continued, running his fingers through the sand underneath.

"But you'll get past him, won't you, son? After all, you've already gone through so much in your life. Yet, you always seem to survive." Willy smiled, to which Percy did not return. Suspicions had started to rise, and either he was a professional stalker, or-

As Percy locked eyes with Willy for the first time, he suddenly realised what he had initially assumed to have been a casual nickname was possibly more explicitly implied. Their gazes met, and Percy found himself staring into Willy's sea-green eyes, identical to his own. A gasp escaped Percy's lips.


"What the f*ck are you doing here?!"

Percy immediately stood up, fists clenched at his sides as he glared at Poseidon. "Why are you here? I came here to get away from all of this!" His voice echoed across the beach, mixing with the sound of the crashing waves that were starting to increase in strength. The sky, originally a brilliant expanse of azure amidst the mid-day sun, began to darken as ominous clouds gathered on the horizon. Poseidon, still in Willy's form, looked out at the sea, his expression unreadable.

"I'm here because I had no choice, Percy. There's a danger approaching this town. I had to come here for your safety," Poseidon stated, unfazed by Percy's sudden outburst.

Percy's jaw tightened. "I don't care! I wanted a normal life for once, away from you selfish gods and your stupid problems! Haven't I already done enough for you guys?! Haven't I suffered enough?! Why can't you understand that?"

Poseidon sighed, the weight of centuries of responsibility and paternal concern evident in his eyes. "I understand more than you think. Rightfully so, you feel anger towards me and the gods for setting you and your friends up for failure, but you have to understand it wasn't my choice, nor was it any of the gods. Khaos had us bound by the ancient laws, we couldn't help even if we wanted to. Otherwise, we'd suffer a fate worse than death; being faded away from existence."

Percy sneered, his eyes narrowing with disdain. "Those laws are just a convenient excuse that have saved your asses multiple times and in return endangered our lives," he spat. "If you gods truly had any heart, any care for us, your children, you'd have told the laws to f*ck off and helped us."

This caused a reaction from Poseidon, who for once did not look impressed.

"Now listen-"

"NO! I don't want to hear it. Just-Just stay away from me," Percy shouted, tears starting to form in his eyes. He shook his head, stepping back, and without another word he turned and stormed off, leaving Poseidon alone on the beach.

"Gus, another beer!"

Later that evening, Percy found himself at the bar, nursing his fourth drink. One that managed to numb him down, but not to make him drunk enough. The memories of his confrontation with Poseidon swirled in his mind, fueling his frustration. He took another swig, hoping the alcohol would dull the anger and confusion. He still couldn't believe it. After all he's done for the gods, all the battles and wars he's been a part of, and yet they couldn't even fulfill his one wish?

"Rough day?" a familiar voice said beside him. Percy looked up to see Leah, her red hair catching the dim light of the bar. She took a seat next to him, her eyes filled with concern.

"You could say that," Percy muttered, swirling the drink in his hand.

Leah smiled softly. "You know, sometimes… sometimes talking about it helps."

Percy sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's... complicated. Family stuff."

Leah nodded, taking a sip of her own drink. "Families can be tough. But you don't have to deal with it alone. Believe me, I don't exactly have the perfect family either."

For a moment, they sat in companionable silence, the noise of the bar fading into the background. Leah's presence was a calming influence, a reminder that there were still good people in the world.

Percy sighed. "It's my dad. My family has had "problems", and I've already solved so many of them. But when I finally want some alone time, to build something on my own, he doesn't respect my wishes." He takes a pause for another swig, before he continues on.

"I've sacrificed so much to get to where I am right now. Too much. But sometimes I don't feel appreciated, that anyone actually acknowledges it. I know it's stupid, my dad probably just wants what's best for me, but I'm not a kid anymore; I can take care of myself."

Leah nods in response. Percy appreciates that; she's a good listener. They sit in silence once more, before Leah rests her chin on her hand, elbow propped on the table.

"I get it. As an older sister, I was in charge of, well, my siblings. They're a little crazy. All they do is complain and argue with each other, and I'm left cleaning up their messes. But at the end of the day, they love each other, we love each other, and their true intentions are pure." She sits up, focusing her gaze on Percy.

"Your dad, or your family, whoever it is, just know that your efforts aren't in vain. You may lack recognition, but you don't need that. Knowing that you yourself, has actually done good in this world is all the recognition you need. Recognition from yourself. Your dad not respecting your wishes of leaving you alone can be seen as a good thing. It shows he cares about you."

Percy put his drink down, before exhaling. She was right in a way; his dad may have been violating his privacy, but he had his true intentions. His outburst earlier in the day had been immature and he probably should've just talked it out, father to son.

"Thanks, Leah," Percy said finally. "I needed that."

Leah gave him a warm smile. "Anytime, Percy. I kind of owed you one anyway." She took a quick glance at her watch, before her eyes widened.

"Listen, Percy, I'd love to continue this, but I have to head out now. Got some work to finish up." Leah said, to which Percy nodded in reply. As Leah stood and left, Percy was feeling a lot lighter. The next day, he would go and apologise to his dad for his outburst.

As Percy himself was about to leave the saloon, disgusted that he nearly got himself drunk two days in a row, he noticed Haley sitting in a corner, her usual confident demeanour replaced by a forlorn expression. Multiple shot glasses surrounded her booth, and for the first time since Percy had entered Stardew Valley, she looked far from flawless. Percy was conflicted internally; while he and Haley didn't exactly have the best relationship, and he didn't exactly want to be involved with an associate of Alex's, it just seemed wrong not to do anything when she looked this... sad. However, recalling his conversation with Leah, and how she approached him, he decided to do the same.

Hesitantly, Percy approached Haley. Once he was right in front of her booth, he looked at her dishevelled state and nervously asked if he could sit here. Haley didn't reply, nor did she shake her head, so he took that as a yes. Sliding into the seat across her, he took a second to absorb her appearance. Her usually pristine blonde hair was tangled and matted, falling messily around her flushed, tear-streaked face. Mascara smudged her cheeks, evidence of her crying, and her eyes were red and puffy. Her clothes, a once neatly pressed blouse and jeans, were now wrinkled and slightly askew, as if she had hastily thrown them on without much care. The faint scent of alcohol lingered around her, mixing with the salty residue of her tears.

Deciding to make the first move, Percy leaned forward a little. "So, uh, are you okay?" He said, before mentally face-palming himself.

Haley looked up, her eyes red from crying. "Yes, Percy, I am just dandy!" she snapped, though her words lacked its usual sharpness. Nonetheless, Percy winced, clearly unprepared for this sort of situation despite just going through it.

"Well, what's making you not okay?" Percy tried softly, trying to defuse the anger that she was feeling. He assumed it would be something trivial, like her clothes getting dirty or something along those lines.

Haley sniffed, wiping her bloodshot eyes. "It's Alex. I-I love him, I really do, but he keeps seeing other girls! Like, right after you left, a notification popped up from his phone, and it was from this random girl called 'Chee'? When I asked him who that was, he confessed straight up that he's been seeing her! Like, who the f*ck just does that? Why can't he just love me?!" She ranted, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Percy's heart ached at her words. He may have misjudged her simply because he was with Alex.

"Well, why are you with that dick anyways? You're too good for him. He's like, dumb as sh*t," Percy said, to which Haley let out a snort between her sobs.

"You don't get it, he and his parents, they hold a lot of power. I can't just leave him. It's not that simple." Haley retaliated, sobering herself up.

"Look, Haley, I've gone through some sh*t today too, and what I've learnt is to not let other people f*ck up your life. If your pursuit of finding an actually decent human is stronger than that of the power of him and his family, just break up with him once and for all."

Haley looked at him, her eyes searching his for a moment. She let out a shaky breath, the anger and sadness in her gaze softening. "Maybe you're right," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of the bar. "Maybe it's time to end things."

Haley glanced around the bar, then back at Percy. "I should probably go home," she said, starting to slide out of the booth. But as she stood up, Percy noticed her swaying, her steps unsteady.

"Hey, wait," he said, quickly standing up and reaching out to steady her. "You're in no shape to walk home alone. Let me help you."

Haley looked up at him, her expression a mix of gratitude and stubborn pride. "I can manage," she insisted, though her wobbly stance betrayed her words.

"Come on, Haley," Percy said gently. "I don't mind, I was going to go home too anyways."

After a moment of hesitation, Haley nodded, allowing Percy to guide her out of the bar. They walked slowly, Percy keeping a supportive arm around her to ensure she didn't stumble. The night air was cool, and the streets were quiet, the earlier storm having given way to a calm, starry sky.

As they approached her house, Haley fumbled for the key in her purse. She opened the door, before they both entered her house.

"Don't you live here with anyone else?" Percy asked, his words laced with concern.

"Yeah, but my sister is still working at the saloon." Haley replied, her eyes barely staying open.

Percy raised his eyebrows. "The girl with the blue hair? I like her hair."

Haley muttered something under her breath along the lines of "of course you do", although Percy wasn't sure if that was what she said.

They entered her room as Haley leaned into Percy a bit more, her exhaustion and inebriation catching up with her. "Thank you, Percy," she murmured, her voice soft and sincere. "For listening. And for this."

Percy smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long time. "No problem, Haley. Anytime."

Haley looked at him, her eyes shining with gratitude and something deeper. Without warning, she stood on her tiptoes and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to his cheek. Percy's breath hitched, his heart pounding in his chest.

Before he could respond, she turned and made her way to her bed, collapsing onto it with a contented sigh. Within moments, she was fast asleep, her breathing even and peaceful.

Percy stood there for a moment, his hand unconsciously touching the spot on his cheek where her lips had been. His cheeks burned, and he felt a flutter in his stomach.

He took one last look at Haley, her face serene in sleep, and quietly exited her house, closing the door softly behind him.


Percy woke up abruptly, head throbbing from banging against his bed's headboard. The morning sunlight streamed through the thin curtains of his room, casting soft shadows on the wooden floor. He rubbed his temples, trying to piece together the fragmented memories of his conversation with Haley, remembering the surprisingly heartfelt conversation that had passed between them. Her kiss on his cheek still lingered in his mind, sending a warm, tingling sensation through his skin. He quickly shook off the distraction; he had a task to complete today— gathering iridium ore for Robin.

As he got out of bed, Percy took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the crisp morning air. He gathered his supplies, a pickaxe and his empty duffel bag, while his mind drifting back to Poseidon's unexpected visit. The thought of his father being here still made his stomach churn, but through Leah's words understand what had to be done. He needed to find his father and apologise for his outburst.

Percy made his way to the beach house, his footsteps heavy. The pathway was familiar, lined with wildflowers and the occasional clump of tall grass swaying in the gentle breeze. The sound of waves crashing against the shore grew louder as he approached. He hoped his dad was still there, to make amends for the harsh words he had hurled at him. He knocked the door, but when the only response was silence, he pushed the door to which was surprisingly left unlocked. He entered the house only to realise it was empty aside from a note on the table that read, "Gone. Will be back soon." With a sigh, Percy turned away. He had no time to wait; he needed to get to the mines.

Following the map that Robin had given him during his arrival, Percy managed to navigate his way to the entrance of the mines. He entered the cave, and grabbed a torch he found lying in the ground just in case. Before Percy could start making his way further into the mines, he hesitated. His instincts were warning him of the possible dangers that could lie within as this was Hades' domain, not his. Cool air from the cave entrance sent a shiver down his spine, but he had faced worse before, Tartarus, and this was 'Stardew Valley'; he really didn't expect to find hellhounds or empousas down here. He took a deep breath, steeling himself and entered the cage on one of the walls, which acted as the mine's elevator. Following Robin's instructions, he clicked the U-100 button.

The elevator doors closed with a creak after numerous seconds and with a jolt, the cage began its descent. The dim light from the single bulb above flickered as the elevator rattled and clanked its way downward. The air grew cooler and more damp with each passing second, a stark contrast to the warmth of the valley above. Percy gripped the railing, peering through the grated walls at the rocky interior of the mine shaft. Shadows danced on the rough stone walls, and the sound of dripping water echoed eerily.

As the elevator descended deeper, Percy's thoughts drifted to memories of Tartarus. He remembered the endless darkness, the oppressive weight of the air, and the constant sense of danger lurking around every corner. He remembered the time he spent in Tartarus with her. Compared to that, the mines of Stardew Valley should have seemed routine, yet his unease persisted. The sensation of descending into the earth felt all too familiar, triggering memories of their narrow survival.

Finally, with a grinding halt, the elevator stopped, and the doors slowly creaked open. The passage before him was dimly lit by flickering torches planted by previous miners, casting long shadows that danced on the stone walls. The air was heavy with the scent of earth and metal, and the sound of distant rumbling hinted at the mine's depth and complexity.

Percy stepped out of the elevator, his senses on high alert. He tightened his grip on his pickaxe, before exploring the floor. It was big, having the surface area similar to that of 3 football fields packed together. He spotted multiple types of ore around the mine, the bronze glow of copper, the glistening sparkle of silver ore and the rich colour of gold ore. However, none of them stood out as much as the vibrant purple that was radiating from what he assumed to be the iridium ore. Without wasting anymore time pondering, he got to work.

Percy mined diligently, collecting more iridium ore as he went further into the mine. The rhythmic clinking of his pickaxe against the stone was almost soothing, a steady beat that echoed through the narrow passages. However, he soon decided to delve deeper into uncharted territory within the floor, the parts that weren't lit in order to find more iridium ore. Everything was going smoothly until he struck a particularly hard piece of rock when mining a lump of iridium. As it shattered, it revealed an iridescent shard shimmering with an otherworldly radiance, refracting the dim torchlight that Percy held into a myriad of colours that danced across the walls of the cave. It seemed to pulse with an inner energy, each facet of the crystal casting a spellbinding glow. Percy's eyes widened as he gently lifted it from its rocky cocoon, feeling a surge of awe and wonder unlike anything he had experienced in the mines before. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"What is this?" Percy muttered to himself, picking up the shard and examining it. It was beautiful, reflecting a spectrum of colours that seemed to shift and change as he turned it in his hand. Realising he was wasting valuable time, he quickly slipped it into his bag, which was now filled to the brim.

Just before he turned around to head back to the elevator, a sickening howl that sounded like a dying pig echoed through the tunnels, sending a shiver down his spine. He barely had time to react before a creature lunged at him from the darkness in front of him.

Percy nearly froze in terror once he took a glance at the creature. He'd seen it before. The creature had the grotesque features of a mutant deer—elongated limbs, sharp claws, and antlers protruding from its skull. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent hunger, and its breath came in ragged, snarling gasps. Percy was immediately knocked down by the creature, and barely managed to keep his space between the razor sharp antlers with his pickaxe. Dropping the torch he was holding with his left hand, he jammed his now available left hand into his pocket and drew Riptide, before stabbing the creature through the head with it. The creature let out a blood curdling scream, but to his surprise, the creature did not dissolve immediately, and instead continued pushing against the pickaxe that was the barrier between them two with its rage fuelling its strength. With one final resort, Percy slashed both the deer-hybrid's legs off, rendering it immobile.

Percy quickly stood back up, gasping for breath and grimacing at his arms and shirt which were all covered in blood. He quickly put the bag filled with ore in his back and got ready to run, but to his utter dismay he heard even more screams coming from his direction.

Realisation dawned on Percy—he couldn't outrun them all. Even if he made it to the elevator, the doors took too long to close. The only way out was to fight his way out.

Percy turned to face the advancing creatures. Riptide flashed in the dim light of the mine as he engaged in a desperate struggle for survival. He slashed and parried, his movements fueled by adrenaline. Each strike was precise and deadly as he took down countless of the deer-hybrids, but the creatures were relentless.

For every creature he struck down, two more seemed to take its place. Percy's arms burned with exhaustion, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The wounds on his arms were bleeding heavily, soaking his shirt crimson. He felt a searing pain as one of the creatures managed to stab him in the thigh with its jagged claw, tearing through his pants and drawing blood.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Percy fought on, adrenaline dulling the ache in his thigh. He swung Riptide in wide arcs, cutting through the air with deadly precision. However when another creature lunged at him from the side, its antlers piercing through his left torso like butter, he knew time was running out. Pain flared through him, but he continued pushing through it, focusing solely on survival.

As the battle raged on, Percy's vision blurred slightly from blood loss and exhaustion. He knew he couldn't keep this up much longer. His movements slowed, and the monsters closed in, sensing his weakness.

One of the creatures lunged at him for the death blow, its razor-sharp antlers aimed at his heart. Percy closed his eyes, having made peace with the inevitability of his own demise. To his revelation, he didn't feel anything. He opened his eyes to see Poseidon, trident in hand, fending off all the monsters at once. He fought with a ferocity that surpassed Percy's, his eyes blazing with determination. The trident's prongs glowed with a radiant blue light, crackling with the energy of the sea.

"Go, Percy! Get to the elevator!" Poseidon shouted, fending off the creatures with powerful strikes. His voice was commanding, brooking no argument.

Percy hesitated, unwilling to leave Poseidon alone to fend off all the dear-hybrids at once As no matter how strong he was, being out of his element Poseidon had no chance against the waves of monsters mercilessly entering the battlefield.

"I can help—" Percy began, but Poseidon's stern look cut him off.

"No, Percy! You need to get out of here. Now!"

Reluctantly, Percy turned and with difficulty, limped towards the elevator. He could hear the sounds of battle behind him, the clash of Poseidon's trident and the snarls of the monsters.

The next five seconds proved to be the worst five seconds of his life, worse than what happened at Camp Half-Blood. He made it into the elevator, punched the U-0 Button and leaned his back on the handrail in exhaustion. His mistake was facing the ongoing battle which Poseidon was losing control of. He had suffered blows everywhere in his body, and in the final seconds before the doors closed, Poseidon turned backwards and locked eyes with Percy.


Bob limped to the Doors. Golden ichor flowed from the wounds on his arms and chest. His janitor's outfit hung in tatters. His posture was twisted and hunched, as if Tartarus's breaking the spear had broken something inside him. Despite all that, he was grinning, his silver eyes bright with satisfaction.

"Go," he ordered. "I will hold the button."

Percy gawked at him. "Bob, you're in no condition—"

"Percy." Annabeth's voice threatened to break. She hated herself for letting Bob do this, but she knew it was the only way. "We have to."

"We can't just leave them!"

"You must, friend." Bob clapped Percy on the arm, nearly knocking him over. "I can still press a button. And I have a good cat to guard me." Small Bob the sabre-toothed tiger growled in agreement.

"Besides," Bob said, "it is your destiny to return to the world. Put an end to this madness of Gaea."

"Bob, don't!" Percy said, his eyes pleading. "He'll destroy you permanently. No coming back. No regeneration."

Bob shrugged. "Who knows what will be? You must go now. Tartarus is right about one thing. We cannot defeat him. We can only buy you time."

The Doors tried to close on Annabeth's foot.

"Twelve minutes," said the Titan. "I can give you that."


"Qi is an alias! She's K-" Poseidon never managed to finish his final sentence before he was rammed into the ground by one of the deer-hybrids. The last thing Percy saw before the doors closed was Poseidon being impaled through the neck by one of the hybrids, the life leaving his eyes as a woman's maniacal laugh rang throughout the mines, before Poseidon's body faded away in grey dust rather than gold, his punishment served for breaking the ancient laws.

The dim light of the mines flickered through the narrowing gap, casting eerie shadows on Percy's blood-streaked face. His breath came in ragged gasps, each exhale tinged with pain and exhaustion.

Alone in the confines of the elevator, Percy leaned heavily against the cool metal wall. His hands trembled as he clutched Riptide, the celestial bronze blade now smeared with the blood of his enemies. The wounds on his arms throbbed with each heartbeat, reminding him of the battle he had just barely survived.

The adrenaline that had fueled him during the fight was gone, leaving behind a hollow ache in his chest. Tears pricked at his eyes, threatening to spill over as the weight of his near-death experience crashed down on him. He had faced countless monsters before, but this encounter had been different—a brutal reminder of his mortality, of how close he had come to not making it out alive.

Percy slid down the wall of the elevator, his back hitting the cold floor with a soft thud. He buried his face in his hands, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Poseidon was dead. His dad was dead. He hadn't even managed to make amends with him before he faded away from existence. The elevator hummed softly as it ascended, carrying him away from the horrors of the mine, but the echoes of screams and snarls still rang in his ears.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he spotted a glowing object in the corner of the cage. He crawled towards it to find a note signed by his dad with what looked like a star-shaped candy. He shoved the note into the duffel bag he still had on his back, and popped the candy into his mouth, trusting his dad's final gift. To his suprise, he felt his senses suddenly increase tenfold. While his body was still firing up with pain as if glass shards were dug into every inch of his body, he found his mental capabilities to be more focused.

Once the cage reached ground floor, he crawled his way out of the mines using the last bit of energy he had left before finally feeling the warmth of the sun hit the back of his head

"Help..." he croaked, his vision blurring. "Someone, please..."

As darkness began to close in around him, he saw a familiar figure rushing towards him. Haley. She knelt beside him, her eyes wide with worry.

"Percy! Oh my god, what the f*ck happened?" she cried, her voice panicking as she tried to support his weight to no avail.

But Percy couldn't respond. His strength was gone, and the last thing he felt was the warmth of Haley's arms around him before he slipped into unconsciousness.

The first sensation that greeted Percy upon regaining consciousness was a searing pain coursing through every part of his body. It felt like a relentless blaze was spreading through his limbs and torso, each movement emitting a burning sensation. Percy's eyes hadn't even managed to flutter open before he began screaming, his body writhing in agony. His movements were chaotic, causing tubes and wires surrounding him to snap free during his spasms.

"Percy, it's okay!" shouted a voice which Percy vaguely recognised. Haley?

His suspicions were proven right once he opened his eyes to see Haley rushing to his side, her eyes wide with panic and her lip trembling. "Percy, it's me, Haley," she reassured him, her voice trembling with distress, her hands gently restraining his flailing arms as she tried to calm him down.

But the pain was overwhelming, worse than that of the River Styx, and Percy could barely hear her words over his own cries.

"Sam! He's awake! Help!" Haley shouted, turning around to face the empty doorway.

"Haley?" Percy barely managed to gasp out, his throat dry and scratchy. "H-Help me."

She knelt beside him, her shaking fingers hovering over him unsurely, as if she wanted to comfort him but didn't know how. "Hold on, Percy, Sam is coming."

Sam? Last he heard, Harvey was the doctor in this town, not a guy named Sam.

Footsteps echoed hurriedly down the hall, and a young man with blonde hair adorned in a white coat burst into the room. "I'm here," he said breathlessly, his eyes wide with concern as he assessed Percy's condition.

Percy struggled to focus, his mind still foggy from whatever had landed him in this sterile room. Haley hovered close by, her hand gripping his tightly as Sam checked the monitors and adjusted the IV drip.

"Stay calm, Percy," Sam instructed, his voice calm and reassuring despite the urgency in the room. He conjured up a needle before quickly injecting Percy with anaesthesia, and he passed out.

The next time Percy awoke he didn't feel any pain. In fact he felt nothing, which was probably just as bad as feeling pain everywhere as that just meant his nerves had been sedated. He blinked slowly, his eyes adjusting to the dimmer light. This time, he didn't panic, although he was surprised to see Haley still there, sitting on a chair beside him, asleep. Her features were relaxed and peaceful, the faintest hint of a smile played on her lips. The worry lines that had marred her face earlier during his previous thrashing were smoothed out, and she looked beautiful.

Percy would have continued staring at her but the sudden beeping of his monitor shattered the moment of tranquillity. Haley stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she quickly sat up, alert and making sense of the situation. She stood up and made her way to Percy's awake form.

"Percy, are you okay?" she asked softly, leaning closer as she noticed his eyes opening.

"Where am I?" he mumbled, his voice hoarse.

"Shhh," Haley said, placing a finger gently on his lips. "I should be the one asking the questions, Mister. What happened?"

Percy hesitated, his mind racing. He couldn't tell her everything, not yet. He took a deep breath and started to improvise. "My father, Willy, and I... we were in the mines. There was a freak accident. The mine started collapsing. I tried to get him out, but he didn't… he didn't make it."

As he spoke the last words, his voice cracked, and tears welled up in his eyes. The weight of his trauma crashed down on him, making it hard to breathe. He started to break down, sobs shaking his body.

Seeing his distress, she squeezed his hand reassuringly and leaned in closer, her own eyes misting with empathy. "Percy, I'm so sorry," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine concern. "I can't even imagine how hard that must be."

She reached out, gently cupping his face in her hands, brushing away his tears with her thumbs. "But you're safe now, Percy. And you'll get through this. Just breathe, okay?"

Her comforting words and gentle touch seemed to reach through his pain, providing comfort to him. Percy nodded weakly, trying to steady his breathing.

"Thank you for saving me, and... Sam."

"Sam's a trainee," Haley said, a faint smile touching her lips, though her eyes still showed the worry she felt. "He's learning from Dr. Harvey, but he's good. He'll take care of you."

Percy tried to sit up, but a sharp pain shot through his body, reminding him of his injuries. Haley quickly placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him still. "Don't try to move too much. Sam said walking probably isn't an option for at least another week. You need to rest."

"Well, this is going to be a very boring week then" Percy grumbled, to which Haley just smiled sympathetically.

It turned out not to be such a boring week after all. He received numerous visits from the people of the valley, all paying their respects to his father and wishing Percy himself a quick recovery. More notable visitors included Leah and Robin, who visited numerous times and the latter expressing her gratitude for the supply of iridium, along with a surprise visit from Alex although Percy had a feeling that Haley had a role to play in that (he learnt from Leah that they still had not broken up much to his dismay).

Speaking of Haley, no one visited him as much as she did; she truly was the source of brightness within his dark days. She visited him every day, where they talked for hours about their life and dreams. He learnt about her hobbies in fashion design and photography, and he shared to her about his relationship with the sea (although not to the extent of knowing his magical capabilities), promising Haley to hang out with her on the beach once he got better much to her delight. Their conversations got a lot deeper by the fifth day, where they opened up to each other about their mental issues. Haley never knew her parents, which led to her gaining abandonment issues and being submissive to people (which explained why she was with Alex in order to feel loved). In turn, Haley learnt about his struggles in finding purpose to keep on living, as he admitted that along with his dad, he'd had friends die in front of him. Haley's life wasn't as perfect as he expected it to be, and in a way he was glad it was that way because it made creating a connection with her a lot easier.

However, it wasn't all sunshines and rainbows. When he wasn't visited by others or checked on by Sam, Percy spent most of his time sleeping. During these moments his dreams, which previously were plagued by the events of Camp Half-Blood, now drifted back to the events in the mines. He replayed scenarios over and over, imagining different outcomes where he tried to save his father but every single time he failed, watching him die over and over again before waking up in a cold sweat, gasping for air.

Usually, the worst nightmares only took place during the night. However, near the end of the week he took a nap in the middle of the day which proved to be a huge mistake. Haley, who had once again come to visit, was welcomed with a scream as she entered the building. She rushed into Percy's room to find him in a cold sweat, thrashing about as if fighting an unseen enemy.

She immediately went to his side, gently calling his name to try and bring him back to awareness. 'Percy, it's me,' she said softly 'You're safe, it was just a nightmare.'

Percy's movements gradually began to slow, but his breathing remained rapid and shallow. Haley sat beside him, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. 'Take deep breaths with me,' she suggested calmly, demonstrating slow, deep breaths herself. 'In and out, just like this.'

Slowly, Percy's breathing steadied, and the tension in his body began to ease. He blinked rapidly as he gradually came to recognize Haley's presence beside him.

"Why are you here?" Percy asked, his gaze fixed on the wall before him as tears streamed down his face. Haley frowned in confusion.

"What do you mean? I'm always here," Haley replied softly, squeezing his hand tighter to reassure him of her presence.

"Exactly. Why do you always come back? I'm... I'm just someone who's broken," Percy sobbed. To his surprise, Haley also began to cry.

"Percy, out of everyone I've ever known, none of them has ever really cared, asked me how I'm feeling like you do," Haley said between sobs, her voice choked with emotion. "And I've barely known you for a week."

Haley's words hung in the air, heavy with vulnerability and honesty. She took a shaky breath, trying to compose herself as tears continued to flow down her cheeks.

"I... I feel safe with you, Percy. You make me feel... like I'm not alone," Haley confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please don't think you're broken. You've been through so much, yet you're still here, caring about others."

Percy turned to look at her, his own tears still falling. He saw the pain and loneliness in Haley's eyes, mirrored by his own. In that moment, he realised they were both struggling with their own battles, finding solace in each other's company.

"I'm sorry," Percy whispered, reaching out to gently wipe away Haley's tears. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's okay," Haley murmured, her hand moving to cover Percy's where it rested against her cheek. "We're in this together, okay? You're not alone, Percy."

They both end up falling asleep, arms wrapped around each other, Haley's head resting gently on Percy's chest. For the first time in months, without the influence of alcohol, Percy doesn't have any nightmares.

"Well, Percy," Sam said, stepping into the room with a reassuring smile, "I've got some good news for you. You're cleared to get out of here."

Percy blinked, still processing the news. "Really?" he asked, his voice weak but hopeful.

Sam nodded. "Yes, you've made remarkable progress. Just take it easy for the next few weeks, alright? No strenuous activities."

Haley, who had been sitting quietly by Percy's side, let out a sigh of relief. "That's wonderful news, Percy. You hear that? You're finally going home."

Percy managed a small smile. "Yeah, home," he repeated, trying to feel solace in those words. Yet, all he felt was dread. The past two weeks have caused him and Haley to become really close, yet he was scared that this was going to stop as soon as he exited the hospital.

Haley quickly moved to support him. "Easy there, let's take it slow. I'll help walk you home." she said, her voice gentle yet firm.

As Percy was walking out of the building, he took a moment to glance around, his eyes adjusting to the sunlight. It was then that he noticed something strange. The structure they were leaving didn't look like a typical hospital at all, let alone Dr. Harvey's. The architecture was more reminiscent of a medieval wizard's tower with its tall, cylindrical shape and stone walls adorned with ancient-looking carvings.

"Wait a minute," Percy said, his brow furrowing in confusion. "This isn't a hospital. It looks more like... some sort of wizard tower?"

Sam, who had been walking beside them, chuckled lightly. "Oh, that. It's just a quirky design choice. This facility is actually for long-term patients. It helps keep the main hospital free for emergencies."

Percy raised an eyebrow, still feeling skeptical. "A quirky design choice, huh?"

Sam nodded, a reassuring smile on his face. "Yep. Don't worry about it. You know, wizards have magic, so it's symbolic of uh, how magic heals you here."

Haley, sensing Percy's lingering doubts, squeezed his hand gently. "It's okay, Percy. Don't worry about it. Lots of people in the town have been here. Just a design choice like Sam said."

Percy still wasn't sure whether they were telling the truth, but between focusing his energy on trying to walk without falling down and stressing about his future with Haley, he decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. Without another word, Haley and Percy bid their thanks and goodbyes to Sam, before making their way to Percy's house.

Their journey passed mostly in silence, with the occasional comment from Haley telling him to take it easy whenever Percy let out an involuntary grimace. However, Percy's mind was busy wondering what all this meant for his relationship with Haley. They'd started out trying to avoid each other's paths, somewhat connected in the bar, and became especially close during his time at the hospital. Did this bond continue with what happened at the hospital, or did it revert to their last encounter in the outside world, avoiding each other's paths?

As they finally approached Percy's house, he slowed down and took a quick glance at Haley. He found her eyebrows slightly furrowed and her eyes distant, as if lost in thought, meaning that she was probably also thinking about something too. They reached the doorstep, and Percy turned to face her, taking a deep breath.

"Haley," he started, his voice soft, "I just wanted to say thank you for everything. You've been... You've been everything to me."

Haley smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I'm just glad you're okay, Percy. It's been a rough two weeks for you."

He nodded, feeling a lump form in his throat. "I- I don't want things to go back to how they were before, avoiding each other. I... I'd like to stay friends. If you want, that is."

Haley's smile widened, and she reached out to gently touch his arm. "Of course, Percy! You've meant so much to me too these past weeks. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

Percy felt a wave of relief wash over him, before offering his hand. "Friends?"

Much to his shock, which has been happening far too often, Haley leaned in for a hug instead.

The embrace took him by surprise, but he quickly reciprocated, wrapping his arms around her. He felt the warmth of her body against his, a comforting presence that seemed to soothe his lingering anxieties. Her hair brushed against his cheek, soft and fragrant, carrying the faint scent of lavender and something sweet he couldn't quite place.

After a couple more seconds, Haley reluctantly pulled away. She gave him one last smile, before turning to leave. Percy watched the gentle sway of her hips and her sun kissed curls bob up and down as she made her way home, reaping a sigh out of him.

He was falling for her. Hard.

The past month passed like a breeze for Percy. It was one of the most relaxing months Percy has had in several years, not having needed to fight any monsters which included Alex (who seemed to leave him alone since his dad died). He spent his days working on the farm, interacting with locals and going through rehabilitation exercises with Sam to build his mobility and strength back, who he quickly built a strong relationship with due to his carefree and friendly persona. However, it was the moments spent with Haley that Percy treasured the most. Whether they were exploring the nearby woods taking photographs, enjoying picnics on the beach or even simply sitting together on Percy's porch watching the sunset, Haley brought a sense of joy and companionship into his life that he hadn't had since he left camp. Their friendship had blossomed into something deeper, built on trust, shared experiences, and enjoying each other's company in general.

It wasn't all perfect though, as despite Haley's initial words at the bar and Percy's warnings, she still was with that dick Alex. He couldn't understand why, since it wasn't like their relationship had improved, Haley catching him contacting the mysterious 'Chee' once again. Her still being with him was pretty much the only thing standing in Percy's way from professing his love to her. However, one day while laying on his bed trying to fall asleep, Percy realised what needed to happen; he needed to ask Haley out. That way, Haley would realise she didn't need to rely on Alex anymore and know she was worth so much more.

And so that was why Percy was standing in front of Haley's doorstep, a bouquet of sunflowers in one hand. Taking a deep breath, Percy knocked on her door only to hear the sound of glass crashing against the floor, followed by a scream. Percy kicked the door open, hearing the shouts of Haley and Alex from her room. Wanting to remain undetected, he tiptoed to the corner of her door and took a peek at the scene playing out in front of him. A flower vase lay shattered in the corner of the room, its contents strewn across the floor. Haley stood near the window, her face flushed with anger, hands trembling as she pointed accusingly at Alex. Alex, standing across from her, clenched his fists, his jaw tight with frustration. Reeling his head back, Percy leaned his head against the wall and listened into their argument.

"Why do you keep spending so much time with that punk?! I thought we were on the same page about him being unworthy of our time!" Alex said scornfully, his voice tinged with betrayal and frustration. Haley, her face flushed with anger, shot back with equal intensity.

"Don't you dare talk about him like that! At least he cares for me and my feelings." she retorted, her voice trembling with indignation.

Alex laughed bitterly. "And since when did you of all people have feelings? I'm a bad person, but you're even worse! You've ruined more lives than I have because of your petty "feelings."

Haley's fists clenched at her sides, her voice rising. "Maybe that's because I can't stand to be around someone who constantly belittles and controls me, keeping me as as a trophy wife while you f*ck your sidechick 'Chee' and so I'm forced to take my anger out on others!"

"Well, maybe if you didn't spend all your time with Percy, I wouldn't have to resort to being with another bitch; you haven't even let me f*ck-"

"Shut the f*ck UP. Percy was right, I'm breaking up with you once and for all. I wish I was with Percy instead of you!"

"And what makes you think you're not going to come back begging for my love again just like how you've been doing your whole life, you whor*?"

"Because, this time, I swear-" Haley proceeded to whisper something Percy couldn't understand to Alex's ear, and whatever she said must've hurt because what happened next was so f*cked up that Percy literally saw red. Alex proceeded to backhand Haley's face, causing her to fly backwards like a ragdoll and start crying.

Realising that this argument had gone WAY too far, Percy ran into the room, his instincts on override.

"You have no right to come barging in here!" Alex roared, his face contorted with rage.

Ignoring Alex's threat, Percy continued advancing, before slidetackling Alex to the ground. They both recovered quickly, and with lightning speed, Alex lunged forward, his movements quick despite his big stature. Percy barely managed to evade the first blow, but the impact of Alex's strike which landed on the wall sent shockwaves throughout the room, causing furniture to topple and walls shake. Percy gritted his teeth, before attempting to throw a punch only for Alex to beat him to it. Percy relied on all the dexterity and agility he possessed as he darted in and out, dodging Alex's relentless assaults while searching for an opening. However, he was eventually dealt with a blow from Alex that felt like he was struck by a battering ram, and Percy was knocked backwards leading to a cry from Haley, before quickly getting up on his feet.

Percy was confused; sure, he was weakened by his injuries from the mines yet even then, Alex possessed inhumane ability and strength. Despite this, Percy refused to back down after what he did to Haley. With a surge of determination, he countered Alex's next move before throwing a powerful right hook to his jaw and locking him in a powerful chokehold from behind.

Percy held on with all his might, his muscles straining from keeping Alex in his control. But it was the element of surprise that caught Percy off guard, as Alex started coughing out what Percy expected to be blood on the ground only to be met with the sparkle of a golden liquid, ichor of the immortals. Alex was an immortal.

"You cannot defeat me," Alex growled defiantly, his voice reverberating with godly power, before he rammed his head backwards into Percy's nose, breaking it and becoming free from his chokehold. Alex then started glowing, and Percy immediately shielded his eyes, knowing he was about to shed his godly form.

Alex's transformation now completed, he stood before Percy now exuding an aura of sheer power. Percy barely had time to react before Alex was upon him, his fists moving with blinding speed. Each blow landed with devastating force, sending Percy reeling. Percy had barely managed to hold his own before, but now that he was fighting a being in their godly form, he was no match.

Alex grabbed Percy by the collar and lifted him off the ground, slamming him into the wall. Percy's vision blurred as pain shot through his body. He tried to fight back, but Alex was relentless. Another punch to the stomach forced the air from Percy's lungs, causing him to gasp for breath.

Blood dripped from Percy's mouth as he struggled to stay conscious. Alex's eyes burned with a fierce, unyielding flame. He delivered a powerful kick to Percy's side, sending him crashing to the floor. Percy coughed violently, spitting out more blood as he tried to push himself up.

"You are nothing but an insect to me," Alex sneered, his voice cold and merciless. He grabbed Percy by the neck and hoisted him up, slamming him back against the wall. Percy clawed at Alex's hand, desperately trying to break free, but his strength was fading fast.

With a brutal twist, Alex tightened his grip around Percy's throat, cutting off his air supply. Percy's vision darkened, his struggles growing weaker. Haley's screams echoed in his ears, but they seemed distant, fading into the void.

"You think you can challenge a god?" Alex hissed, his face inches from Percy's. "You will learn the price of your defiance."

Percy felt his consciousness slipping away, his body betraying him as he fought to breathe. Just when Percy was on the brink of mortality, he heard a shout.


Percy, despite being held in a chokehold, managed to turn his head ever so slightly. His eyes caught a glimpse of a teary-eyed Haley on her feet, face contorted with anger. His heart pounded as he realised it was she who had shouted.

Ares didn't loosen his grip. "Why should I?" he taunted, his eyes gleaming with amusem*nt. "It's time I got my revenge from all these years ago."

"Let. Him. Go," Haley commanded, her voice low and compelling. Surprisingly, Ares' sneer faltered for a moment, and then, reluctantly, he released Percy, who collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

Percy struggled to his feet, his eyes darting between Ares and Haley. "I-I don't get it. The first night, at the bar-"

Ares scoffed. "Well, how else was I supposed to respond? I had to follow your lead to avoid suspicion, we all did."

"We?" Percy questioned, still in shock.

Haley's face was pale, but she stood her ground. "Percy, there's something you need to know."

Ares crossed his arms, leaning against the wall with a smug expression. "Go on, Haley. Tell him the truth."

Haley pointed a murderous glare to Ares, before sighing. "Look Percy, we haven't been completely honest with you. The major gods, along with Hades and Hestia are all disguised in this town as villagers. It was the only way we could get close to you without you, you know, running away."

Suddenly, everything made sense. The friendly nature Leah radiated that made Percy feel at home; that was Hestia. Percy having to stay at the wizard tower wasn't due to it being convenient for space, it was to avoid his injuries being seen from the mortals including Dr. Harvey. It explained why Sam-Apollo, had never questioned the divine properties within his blood. And Haley; her divine beauty, her relationship with Ares, her charmspeak. It meant she had to be Aphrodite, the goddess of love. The one who played with hearts.

He felt sick.

"Is this some kind of joke to you?" Percy spat, his eyes locked onto Haley. "Did you enjoy playing with my emotions?"

"No, Percy, it's not like that," Haley—Aphrodite pleaded, stepping closer. "I care about you so much. Everything we shared–it was real to me."

"Real?" Percy laughed bitterly. "You're the goddess of love. Your entire existence is about manipulation."

Aphrodite's eyes filled with tears. "I-I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted-"

"You just wanted to see if you could toy with my emotions, wrap me around your finger even after what happened with Annabeth?" Percy shook his head. He felt the weight of betrayal beating him harder than Ares' physical one had. "At least Ares and the other gods had the decency to not manipulate me when I was clearly in a vulnerable state. You're–You're the worst of them all."

Without another word, Percy turned to leave despite the pain. Ares tried to stop him, but with a scream, a blast of energy erupted from Percy's outstretched hand, sending Ares flying backwards. Percy didn't understand how he managed to do that but at the moment he didn't care. He ignored Aphrodite's pleas for him to stop, his mind red with rage. He needed to get away, to clear his head. He ran straight to the beach, recalling the events that triggered his arrival to Stardew Valley in the first place.

"Please Annabeth, you don't have to do this."

Annabeth sighed, before sitting up from the bed she and Percy were laying in. "I know, but you and I both know we need as many people as we can get, and I'm the best strategist out of all the demigods. I have to be there."

"But Annabeth, the baby! I know you sure as hell can still handle yourself, but surely even you know that you're not as fast as you used to be. If you get hurt-"

"Percy, I'll be fine. Besides, I won't be fighting in the front lines like you guys, I'll just be guarding the tree at the back of camp and no one is getting there unless, well, everyone dies." Annabeth said, with a slight waver in her voice near the end.

"Well, that's reassuring." Percy replied sarcastically, to which Annabeth just smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right where I always am—right beside you, even if it's from a distance this time." She gently took his hand, placing it on her stomach. "Our little one needs to know that their mom is a fighter, and so is their dad."

Percy nodded, his worries easing slightly with her words. "Okay. But promise me, Annabeth, if things get too dangerous…" Percy pulled back slightly, reaching into his pocket and taking out a shimmering pearl. "Here," he said, pressing it into her hand. "It's my last one. If things get bad, smash this, and it'll take you straight to the beach, safe from the battle. Promise me you'll use it if you need to."

Annabeth looked at the pearl, then back at Percy. "I promise," she said, her voice soft but determined.

With that, they lay back down, Annabeth's head nestled against Percy's chest, her hand resting protectively over her belly, fingers intertwined with Percy's. His other arm wrapped around her back, holding her securely. Percy's chin rested gently on top of Annabeth's head, feeling the softness of her hair.

Percy was going to keep Annabeth safe, whether or not that meant him dying.

Camp Half-Blood had never been more crowded in its history. Its border had been increased massively with the assistance of the gods, along with multiple facilities being built in order to accommodate the additional thousands of demigods within the premise. Demigods from all cultures in every part of the world trained tirelessly, determination and anxiety for the upcoming battle palpable in the air.

Inside the Big House, the atmosphere was just as intense. The main representatives of each major pantheon (due to them having the most power) was limited to the Greeks, Romans, Norse and Egyptians, and were all gathered around the war table, their expressions grim and resolute. Maps and scrolls covered the surface, detailing the layout of the camp, enemy positions, and potential strategies.

Hazel and Frank sat down as the roman representatives. Unlike Percy and Annabeth, who'd taken a break from all training for two years due to college, Hazel and Frank had continued leading their camp as Praetors, continuing to improve their combat skills. Magnus and Alex represented the Norse demigods, their training for doomsday finally nearing. From the Egyptian pantheon, Carter and Sadie Kane, their amulets glowing faintly, were likely two of the stronger fighters in camp due to being hosts to gods directly. Lastly, Percy and Annabeth sat together, hand in hand, their own rapport speaking for themselves.

As the leaders got settled down, Chiron cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "We have one day before Khaos and her army arrive. We must finalise our strategy and ensure every demigod knows their role. This battle will require all of our combined strength and unity. Annabeth, can you give us a rundown on the abilities of Khaos and her army?"

Annabeth nodded, her expression steely. "The army is likely to consist of a creature called the Wendigos according to our scouts, a deer-hybrid with razor sharp antlers and arms. They can withstand extreme amounts of pain, so multiple hits will have to be dealt to fully kill them. There will likely consist of a total of five thousand wendigos, their large numbers being due to Khaos channelling all monster spirits around the world into them. With ten thousand demigods to our name, we likely won't be able to defeat them alone despite us outnumbering them two to one as some demigods belong to weaker pantheons than others. However, with every pantheons' gods assistance, we should likely be able to defeat the wendigos easily."

"The main problem will be Khaos herself though. Her sword fades people out of existance. For every immortal being she fades, her power increases. For better or worse, she has managed to defeat every single immortal that is not on our side, meaning we won't have interference from other immortals but she herself will be a lot stronger. Her powers include telepathy, teleportation through bending the laws of physics, and energy manipulation. However, with the gods' assistance, we should be able to wipe most of the Wendigos fast, before we have multiple gods going against her at the same time. Since Percy bears the curse of the River Styx once again, he'll be the only one allowed out of us demigods to attack her due to him being less prone to getting killed." Annabeth said, before discussing formations and positions for the battle tomorrow.

As the meeting adjourned, the representatives dispersed, each carrying the heavy burden of leadership back to their respective groups. They had one day to prepare for the greatest battle of their lives, and failure was not an option.

"Where the f*ck are the gods?!" Percy shouted angrily to no one in particular. This was starting to get ridiculous; He could see from the distance that Khaos' army was approaching, and yet none of the gods had come to their aid yet. If they didn't come immediately, they were going to be absolutely demolished.

Once the army approached within a kilometre of campgrounds, Percy realised they were not coming to their aid. Chiron had left an hour ago, promising to be back within ten minutes with the gods but clearly something had intervened meaning they'd just have to deal with the army all by themselves, and Percy was not liking his odds at all.

"Percy, we can't wait any longer. They're already approaching the border." Annabeth shouted to Percy over the commotion caused by surrounding demigods. She was right. He was going to have to start the charge. Percy stood up on the commander platform before turning his attention to the demigods.


Once all the demigods had passed Percy's position, he jumped off the stand and walked towards Annabeth and embracing her.

"I love you so much, seaweed brain."

"I love you too, wise girl."

With those final words, Annabeth ran towards Thalia's tree, near the general post and Percy charged into battle.

For a moment, everything seemed to be going great. Percy led the charge with unmatched ferocity, his sword, Riptide, flashing through the air as he cut down wendigos left and right. The demigods rallied behind him, their morale bolstered by his presence. Frank, in his massive animal forms, tore through the ranks of wendigos, while Hazel summoned precious metals from the ground, turning them into lethal projectiles.

Magnus and Alex fought side by side, the formers sword cleaving through the wendigos while the latters shapeshifting abilities kept the enemy off balance. Carter dominated enemies in Horus' form, cleaving through the ranks of enemies while Sadie opened the Du'uat below multiple wendigos at once, causing them to disappear into oblivion.

Annabeth directed the demigods with precise commands from behind, her strategic mind help guiding the attack. She stood near Thalia's tree, her eyes constantly scanning the battlefield, ensuring no flank was left unprotected. The demigods, despite their varied backgrounds and abilities, fought as one, their their collectiveness keeping them alive.

The wendigos, for all their ferocity, fell in droves. The demigods' coordinated attacks and superior training began to show and the ground was littered with the remains of the monstrous creatures. The air was thick with the sounds of battle—clashing weapons, war cries, and the roars of wounded beasts.

Percy's heart pounded with a mixture of adrenaline and hope. For the first time, it seemed they might actually have a chance. The demigods were holding their own, and the wendigos' numbers were dwindling. Every swing of Riptide brought down another foe, and with each fallen wendigo, the demigods' confidence grew.

As Percy fought, he glanced towards Annabeth, their eyes meeting briefly. In that moment, he saw the same determination and love that had always driven them forward. She gave him a small, resolute nod, and he returned it, feeling a surge of strength.

But just as victory seemed within reach, the ground beneath them began to tremble. A low, ominous rumble filled the air, and the remaining Wendigos paused, almost as if they sensed something. Percy's blood ran cold as he realised what was happening.

Khaos had arrived.

The battlefield fell silent as a dark, swirling vortex appeared in the distance. From it emerged a figure shrouded in darkness, her presence radiating a terrifying, overwhelming power, causing the weaker demigods to cower automatically, giving the wendigos an easy kill. Khaos, the primordial of creation and destruction, obsidian hair and eyes, had come to finish what her army had started.

Percy tightened his grip on Riptide, his knuckles white. This was the true test.

"Well well well, it seems that the gods haven't come to help their own children, how sad." Khaos sneered. She twirled her void blade, pulling matter into it as she spun it around. "WHO'S THE LEADER HERE?!"

Percy knew he was the only one capable of even attempting to duel with Khaos due to his invulnerability, and so he ruthlessly slashed his way through the waves of Wendigos until he reached Khaos.

"I, PERCY JACKSON, SON OF POSEIDON AM AND YOU WON'T PASS UNTIL I DIE!" Percy shouted as fiercely as possible.

Khaos simply laughed. "I admit, demigod, you're probably even harder to kill than most gods because of the curse you bear. However, I guess you're just going to be stabbed in every part of your body until I find your weak spot!"

With a sudden burst of movement, Khaos lunged forward, her movements fluid and precise. Percy barely managed to sidestep the attack, his reflexes kicking in just in time. Immediately, Percy knew he was completely outmatched. Khaos's strikes were faster than anything he had ever faced, each blow carrying the weight of cosmic fury.

Percy danced around Khaos, his own sword a blur as he tried to find an opening but Khaos anticipated his every move, effortlessly parrying Percy's strikes with a grace that did her chaotic essence justice. With each clash of their weapons, Percy felt the impact reverberate through his arms testing his mentality.

"You fight well, demigod," Khaos taunted, her voice a melodic echo amidst the chaos. "But you cannot deny the inevitable."

Percy gritted his teeth, refusing to yield. He ducked under a sweeping arc of Khaos's blade, narrowly avoiding being skewered. The force of her attack sent shockwaves through the ground, cracking the earth beneath their feet.

Desperation fueled Percy's next assault. He lunged forward, aiming for Khaos's exposed flank, but Khaos spun effortlessly, her cloak of darkness billowing around her like a tempest. She countered with a lightning-fast jab that Percy barely managed to deflect, the impact sending sparks flying.

As the battle wore on, Percy's movements grew sluggish, causing Khaos to land multiple slashes and stabs to him which thankfully just bounced off his skin. He internally thanked the curse because without it he'd been chopped into a million pieces by now. If Annabeth hadn't been his anchor, he surely would've disintegrated in the river by his second attempt.

Just as he finished that thought, Khaos started to grin. "Thank you for making it easier for me to kill you," She snickered, before teleporting away. Percy was puzzled, wondering where she had gone. It was then he realised he had made a fatal mistake. Using her telepathical abilities, Khaos had read Percy's thoughts about Annabeth being his anchor and now was going after her to destroy the foundation. This way, Percy would be easier to kill. Swearing under his breath, Percy sprinted back to the camp grounds, heart pounding with fear as the image of Annabeth, pregnant and wounded, fueled his every step. As he rounded the familiar bend near Thalia's tree, his worst fears materialised before him.

There she was, his anchor, sprawled on the ground. Annabeth's once vibrant eyes were clouded with pain, her blonde hair matted with sweat and dirt. She had suffered a stab through her leg, and was crawling weakly, trying to gain distance between her and Khaos who was right behind her. In her trembling fingers clutched the pearl Percy had given her.

But before Annabeth could use it, a chilling laughter cut through the air. Khaos, with a malevolent grin, brought her sword over her head before stabbing Annabeth straight through the heart, reaping her soul.

Percy's eyes widened in horror and screamed in despair. Time seemed to freeze as his world shattered into a million pieces. He looked at her lifeless form, disbelief and grief crashing over him in relentless waves. She was gone forever.

But there was no time for Percy to mourn her death, as Chaos quickly approached him. This time, Percy managed to be on the attacking side, his strikes fuelled with rage. But despite his best efforts, Khaos simply raised her hand before blasting a beam of energy at him. Dazed, he didn't even have time to react before a sharp pain seared through Percy's side, Khaos having landed a swift stab which pierced through his stomach, causing him to collapse.

Gasping for breath, Percy knew he couldn't win this fight especially without his invulnerability. His vision blurred, the world spinning around him. In a last desperate act, he snatched Annabeth's fallen pearl right next to him, and before Khaos could react he smashed the pearl to the ground.

In an instant, the world dissolved around him, replaced by the disorienting sensation of teleportation. Percy felt the familiar pull of the sea as he vanished from the battlefield, leaving behind the cries of battle and the scream of frustration from Khaos. He knew he had escaped death, but at a cost that weighed heavier than his own mortality.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Annabeth." Percy's mumbled before he passed out.

Percy woke with a start, the taste of saltwater and sand in his mouth. His eyes fluttered open to the sight of the familiar beach at Camp Half-Blood. Groaning, he pushed himself up, wincing as pain shot through his stomach where Khaos had stabbed him. The wound was deep, but he couldn't care less right now.

Struggling to his feet, Percy stumbled towards camp, his heart heavy with dread. As he approached the familiar border, his nightmares were realised. Camp Half-Blood lay in ruins. Buildings were reduced to rubble, and the air was thick with the smell of death.

Percy's steps faltered as he surveyed the situation. There side had been completely annihilated. Bodies of fallen demigods littered the ground, their faces frozen in expressions of pain. He recognized most of the faces—friends and allies who had fought beside him.

He shouted out for survivors, but only silence responded to him. Finally, Percy's legs gave out beneath him, and he sank to his knees in agony. Tears welled up in his eyes as he realised the amount of people he had lost: Frank, Hazel, Thalia, Annabeth, the list went on.

He clenched his fists, fighting back waves of grief and guilt. If only he had been stronger, faster—if only he had found a way to save them all. But in the end, he wasn't good enough. Without the assistance of the gods, he was never going to defeat Khaos.

Not wanting to be surrounded with the guilt of his fallen comrades and loved ones anymore, he ran out of camp, into the streets of New York. The battle had included every single demigod in the world, yet they still couldn't beat Khaos' army. With them all dead, Percy knew he could never return to camp ever again,

Because there was no more camp to return to.

For a week, Percy stayed in his house, ignoring the knocks from Apollo, Hestia, and even Aphrodite. He was still pissed at all of them since the nature of the gods had become apparent to him. The gods all ignored him when they had nothing to gain, but the minute they needed help they suddenly pretended as if they hadn't previously been happy letting him drown

It wasn't until he heard the familiar clop of hooves coming knocking at his door that Percy finally stirred. He knew he couldn't ignore Chiron; his mentor had always been a source of wisdom and a fatherly figure to him. Plus, he was the only immortal in here that had been forced to stay out of the battle without any say, and would've risked his life for him. Reluctantly, Percy dragged himself to the door and opened it, revealing the centaur standing solemnly on the porch. Even though Chiron had been alive for millenia, for the first time he looked his age. His skin, previously smooth and polished, was weathered, deeply etched with wrinkles. His eyes appeared tired, shadowed by heavy lids along with his beard, which was unkempt with the grey hairs overtaking the brown ones.

"Percy," Chiron greeted, his eyes filled with sorrow and understanding. "May I come in?"

Percy stepped aside wordlessly, allowing Chiron to enter. The two of them sat in silence for a moment, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air.

"Percy," Chiron began gently, "I know you're in pain. The loss of Annabeth, your unborn child and Poseidon is immeasurable. But isolating yourself like this won't help you."

Percy's jaw tightened. "What do you want me to do, Chiron? Pretend everything's fine? Continue fighting for the gods even though they abandoned us for death?"

"No," Chiron replied, his voice firm yet compassionate. "I want you to find a new purpose, and I believe the only way you can truly move on is by seeking justice for their deaths. Khaos must be stopped, and with the stardrop given to you by Poseidon, you have the power to help us do it."

Percy raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Stardrop? You mean that piece of candy?"

Chiron nodded. "Yes, Poseidon's last gift to you. It grants the consumer a random power, and it seems you were given energy manipulation if what Aphrodite said was true. You can stun and knock back multiple enemies at once. With this power, you can take out several wendigos at once through immobilising them, greatly moving the tide towards our favour.

Percy's eyes flashed with a mixture of grief and anger. "Revenge won't bring them back."

"No, it won't," Chiron agreed. "But it will ensure that their deaths were not in vain. By defeating Khaos, you can prevent others from suffering the same fate. You can honour their memory by finishing what you started."

Percy stared at Chiron, the words sinking in. The thought of facing Khaos again filled him with dread, remembering how easily she had overpowered him, but there was a spark of determination igniting within him. He couldn't let Khaos continue to wreak havoc unchecked.

"Alright," Percy said finally, his voice steadying. "I'll do it. I'll come back and fight. For Poseidon. For Annabeth. For everyone we lost. But not for the gods, I don't care if any of them die as long as Khaos does too."

Chiron nodded, a glimmer of relief in his eyes. "Good. We need you, Percy. You saw what happened at the mines,"

"Khaos is coming for us all."

At the saloon, the atmosphere was tense as the meeting was being prepared. The seats had been arranged in a perfect circle with fifteen chairs—fourteen for the gods and one conspicuously empty chair for him. Percy couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as he looked around the familiar setting, reminiscing about the conversation he had with Hal—Aphrodite on his second day. She had opened up to him about her insecurities, and he had brought her back home. She had kissed him, and for a fleeting moment, he had thought that maybe, just maybe, something would happen between them. How wrong he had been.

Speaking of the devil, he spotted Aphrodite in one of the seats. Her usually radiant face was clouded with guilt, her eyes reflecting a deep remorse. She glanced at Percy, trying to catch his attention but he turned away, choosing instead to approach Athena who was disguised as Robin, standing solemnly in another corner of the room.

"Where have all the mortals gone?" Percy asked, his voice tinged with suspicion.

"They've been evacuated," Athena said, her voice soft. "For their safety."

Percy's eyes narrowed, taking in her appearance. "I still can't believe you were Robin. The personality switch, and you look so different..."

Athena's eyes remained cool. "I volunteered for the personality switch. With the similarities between… Annabeth, I had to change up my persona to ensure you didn't make the connection. And in terms of appearance, this is the one I was born with, and so were the other gods. We change our appearances over time, in order to adapt to new trends but this valley is magical. I have my guesses, but the magic here has forced us into our natural appearances."

Athena then sighed, before continuing on. "I had a plan for everything. The iridium you found in the mines, it wasn't just any iridium; it was arcane iridium, the strongest material known to the gods. You were supposed to make it in and out, but when you took the prism- I mean iridium, they must've been alerted. I never meant for your father to die."

"But it wasn't for nothing. Take out Riptide. Do you remember how you couldn't even make a dent through Khaos' armour? Well, Hephaestus helped weld the iridium into Riptide, and it'll now be able to penetrate through her armour with much less effort if it comes to that."

Sure enough, when Percy uncapped riptide, rather than the glowing celestial bronze he normally fought with, he was now greeted with the vibrant purple of arcane iridium. Percy looked at her, a mix of anger and gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you, I suppose."

Athena nodded, and before they could continue Zeus called for the meeting and for everyone to take their seats. The gods gathered around the table, the air in the room palpable.

"Where are the other pantheon gods?" Percy asked frustratingly, assuming that the other gods have left them for dead once again.

Apollo answered, his expression grave. "Once all the demigods within a pantheon fall, the gods fade with them. That's why we had to follow you, Percy, you're literally the only reason we haven't faded yet."

Percy absorbed this information, feeling the weight of the responsibility pressing down on him. "So, what's the plan?"

"Khaos and her army will break through into Stardew Valley within a week," Athena said. "She's grown considerably stronger with the fading of the other pantheon gods. Luckily, her numbers have dwindled down to around five hundred so less attention will need to be focused on the Wendigos."

"Zeus, Hades and I will take on Khaos while the other eleven of you will take on the Wendigos. With Artemis, Apollo and Hermes' speed, they should be able to take out multiple wendigos within a shorter span of time. Percy can stun multiple enemies at once using his energy shocks and water powers, which can lead to the other gods killing them much more easily once incapacitated." Athena announced to which no one protested against, trusting her tactics.

With that, the meeting adjourned. Usually, tactics would be discussed more in depth, but with the limited information they had, they'd simply have to improvise once the battle began. However, just as Percy made his way out of the saloon, Hephaestus pulled him away.

"Percy," Hephaestus began, his voice heavy. "I need to talk to you about Aphrodite."

Percy's brows furrowed, his expression guarded. "What about her?"

"I know you're angry," Hephaestus continued, his gaze steady. "But I think you should give her another chance."

Percy scoffed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "Another chance? After everything she did? She even cheated on you, Hephaestus, despite you guys being married. You of all people should understand why I can't just forgive her. Besides, why does it matter if I do?"

Hephaestus sighed, his shoulders sagging slightly. "It's not that simple, Percy. Aphrodite never wanted to marry me. Our marriage was forced upon her, upon both of us. She never had a say in it. Because of it, she's been robbed out of happiness, out of love, and it's continued that way with Ares her whole life. It's ironic, that the Goddess of Love is in the most abusive love relationship there is. But with you, Percy, I've never seen her happier. And the both of you, you both deserve happiness."

"That's not an excuse," Percy retorted, his voice harsh. "She still hurt you. And she hurt me."

"I know," Hephaestus acknowledged quietly. "But she's struggling too, Percy. Please, promise me you'll think about it. For her sake. I don't think she'll manage to fight properly with the guilt weighing down her mind"

Percy hesitated, his jaw clenched in frustration. After a tense moment, he reluctantly nodded. "Fine. I'll think about it."

Hephaestus nodded gratefully, releasing Percy's arm. "Thank you, Percy. That's all I ask."

With that, Percy turned away, eager to escape the conversation.

The final battle loomed large as the gods stood tense, positioned at a safe distance from the entrance of the mines. Everyone was adorned in battle armour and armed with their symbols of weapons. They surveyed the rocky terrain, eyes scanning for any signs of movement from within the darkened depths.

Percy, amidst the charged atmosphere, felt a sudden surge of resolve. Despite the conversation with Hephaestus, he never actually acted upon what he agreed to, which was talking to Aphrodite. But now, with death right in front of him, he realised just how much he missed his relationship with her, how happy and hopeful he had felt around her presence. He didn't want to have any regrets before he died.

Spotting Aphrodite near the edge of a viewpoint, Percy swallowed his pride and made his way over to her. Aphrodite still retained the appearance she did when she was Haley, the one she was born with. Percy didn't understand why she had changed her appearance overtime, because this was definitely the most beautiful one.

Aphrodite's expression flickered with surprise and a glimmer of hope as Percy approached, their argument lingering between them like an unspoken barrier. "Hey," Percy started awkwardly, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Aphrodite met his gaze, her eyes a mix of emotions. "Hey," she replied tentatively, her voice holding a note of cautious optimism.

Percy hesitated, feeling the weight of their past interactions and the unresolved tension. "I just wanted to say... good luck," he finally managed, the words coming out in a rush. f*ck. He couldn't bring the words he really wanted to say out.

Aphrodite's breath caught slightly, her features reflecting a mixture of relief but also disappointment that he hadn't said more. "Good luck to you too," she responded, her tone gentle yet tinged with a hint of sadness.

With a nod, Percy stepped back, the moment hanging briefly between them before they both turned away, each returning to their respective positions among the gods.

As they settled into their places, the ground beneath them trembled faintly, a precursor to the approaching horde of monsters. In the distance, from the mouth of the mines, shadows began to emerge. A low growl rumbled through the air, followed by the unmistakable sounds of claws scraping against stone.

The beginning of the battle was signalled when a chilling laughter echoed through the valley, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it. The gods tensed as a figure emerged from the depths of the mines, cloaked in darkness and exuding an aura of malevolent power. Khaos, ancient and formidable, stepped into the light with an unsettling grin on her face, her eyes gleaming with malice.

Zeus, standing at the forefront with his lightning crackling ominously, raised his voice above the gathering storm.

"Brace yourselves," he declared, his tone resonating with authority and determination. "Here they come."

With those words, chaos erupted as monsters surged forward, led by the goddess herself.

Percy, true to Zeus' words, braced himself for the decisive clash that would determine the fate of the world.

Zeus, Hades, and Athena led the charge, determination etched upon their faces as they pressed forward against the relentless tide of enemies pouring out of the darkened mines. Their goal was clear: to reach Khaos and eliminate her as fast as possible. Percy and the remaining gods formed a stonewall defence, holding their ground against the onslaught of wendigos that swarmed around them, ensuring none of the monsters interfered with the battle involving Khaos.

Artemis and Apollo stood side by side on a rocky outcrop, their bows singing as they unleashed a volley of arrows into the heart of the enemy horde. Artemis, her movements fluid and precise, occasionally swapped her bow for a knife, swiftly dispatching any enemies that closed in on her position. Apollo's shots were equally efficient, each arrow finding its mark with deadly accuracy.

Hermes darted among the chaos, his staff a blur of motion as he struck down Wendigos with precise strikes and swift movements. Demeter, her presence a calming force amidst the chaos, wielded the power of nature itself. Every Wendigo she killed transformed into a carnivorous plant, consuming anything that was unfortunate to land on it.

Hera, her expression fierce, wielded a sword that gleamed with a blinding white light. With each swing, she cleaved through enemies with expert precision, her movements a deadly dance of skill and power. Dionysus fought with wild abandon, manipulating grapevines into serpentine coils that constricted wendigos with deadly force.

Ares, the god of war, became a whirlwind of destruction as he spun amidst the battlefield. His massive form moved with speed and grace, carving through enemies in a devastating display of raw power. Amidst this chaos, Aphrodite showcased her prowess as a combat fighter with graceful yet deadly movements as she danced through the fray, wielding a dagger with surprising efficiency and skill.

Percy fought alongside them, his powers over water and energy becoming crucial in the defence. He unleashed torrents of water and beams of energy that knocked back Wendigos and stunned them, creating openings that allowed the gods to deliver fatal blows. Each strike was fueled by determination and a deep-seated desire to avenge those who had fallen.

The battle raged on, the clash of weapons and cries of combat echoing through the valley. For a brief moment, it seemed like they might gain the upper hand against the Wendigos, pushing them back with each passing minute. Within a span of just five minutes, the wendigo's had its numbers cut in half despite there only being nine of them. But then, a chilling shriek pierced the chaos.

Percy looked up to see Khaos with her sword pointed 45 degrees upwards, with Hades skewered through it. He faded into grey dust, and Khaos' attack continued towards Athena and Zeus who both seemed hesitant now. Athena, realising they were not going to defeat Khaos with just the two of them, called out for Percy.

"Percy! Come here NOW!" Athena shouted, while still maintaining eye contact with Khaos who was lazily approaching her and Zeus.

"Athena!" Percy called out amidst the chaos, his voice cutting through the din of battle. "What about the wendigos?"

Athena turned to him, her eyes flashing with urgency. "Percy, if Khaos kills Zeus and I, it's over for all of us. We need your help against her."

Percy hesitated only for a moment, his gaze flickering towards the dwindling number of wendigos and then back to Athena and Zeus, who were now facing Khaos head-on. With a nod, Percy sprinted towards them, leaving the remaining gods to continue battling the wendigos without him.

Percy joined Athena and Zeus just as Khaos swung her sword, her movements fluid and deadly. Athena intercepted the blow with her shield, Aegis, and the impact reverberated through her arm. Percy followed up with a burst of energy, aiming to knock Khaos off balance, but she sidestepped with unnatural speed, evading his beam effortlessly.

Zeus lunged forward with crackling lightning aimed at her head, forcing Khaos to dodge again. Her movements were graceful yet unnerving, each step calculated and precise. She countered with her own blasts of dark energy, each strike aimed with lethal intent. Percy summoned a shield of water to deflect the blasts, while Athena manoeuvred around Khaos, seeking an opening for a decisive strike.

The battle became a whirlwind of clashing swords, crackling energy, and strategic strikes with none of them making any mistakes defensively nor a true threat offensively. Percy unleashed torrents of water and beams of energy, aiming to overwhelm Khaos with sheer force. Zeus unleashed thunderous bolts of lightning, each strike lighting up the battlefield with blinding flashes.

Despite their combined efforts, Khaos proved to be a formidable opponent. Her mastery over dark energy and the souls of the immortals she had collected allowed her to counter their attacks with precision, deflecting Percy's energy beams and evading Zeus's lightning strikes with uncanny agility. Athena continued to press the attack due to her unmatched skill in close combat, her movements fluid and calculated, but Khaos parried each blow with ease.

Percy gritted his teeth, frustration mounting as Khaos seemed to anticipate their every move. He glanced at Athena and Zeus, seeing the strain etched on their faces as they fought to maintain their ground.

"We need to find a weakness," Athena called out, her voice strained but resolute. "She's too fast and too skilled. Percy, any ideas?"

Percy scanned Khaos, searching for a pattern or vulnerability in her defences. Her movements were fluid and unpredictable, making it difficult to predict her next move. He focused his energy, summoning a surge of water around Khaos in an attempt to immobilise her.

Khaos reacted swiftly, dissipating the water with a wave of her hand. She retaliated with a barrage of dark energy blasts, forcing Percy and the others on the defensive once more. Zeus countered with a barrier of lightning, deflecting the blasts away from them.

"We need to coordinate," Zeus grunted, his voice strained with effort. "Percy, focus on keeping her off balance. Athena and I will try to flank her."

Nodding grimly, Percy unleashed another wave of water and energy rays, aiming to distract Khaos and create openings for Zeus and Athena. The tactic seemed to work momentarily as Khaos shifted her attention between the three gods, trying to fend off their coordinated assault. But Khaos remained elusive, her movements even more efficient since the battle at Camp Half-Blood. She countered their every move with deadly precision, exploiting their weaknesses and deflecting their attacks with ease.

Percy scanned the battle that was happening around him and he noticed it was not going well. His absence had left a gap in their defence, and the Wendigos, sensing a missing defender, pressed to their advantage. Demeter, usually attuned to the natural world around her, was caught off guard by a swift attack from behind. A wendigo, its claws glinting in the dim light, lunged at her with unexpected speed. Before she could react, the monster's razor-talon pierced through the small of her back, Demeter's facial expression frozen in shock before fading. Hera, who had seen the murder of her sister, ran towards the wendigo who had killed Demeter with rage, before attacking with a powerful swing, aiming to cleave through the Wendigo. However, in her haste and fury, she overextended herself, leaving her dominant side exposed. Another wendigo, seizing the opportunity, lunged forward and plunged its claw through the side of her torso, with its blade exiting through the other side. Hera gasped in agony, staggering back as pain shot through her. Golden ichor stained her armour, before she fell to the ground and turned to grey dust.

Zeus let out a cry, and in the midst of this chaos, Khaos seized her opportunity. With a malevolent grin, she unleashed a blast of dark energy that sent Athena and Zeus hurtling back, their forms battered and bruised. The goddess of chaos strode forward, her aura pulsating with malevolent power as she faced Percy alone.

Percy gritted his teeth, his eyes narrowing as he faced Khaos alone. With each step she took forward, the ground seemed to tremble beneath her, a testament to her overwhelming power. He tightened his grip on Riptide, its blade shimmering with arcane iridium as he prepared for the confrontation.

Khaos, her expression twisted into a cruel smile, raised her hand and summoned a swirling vortex of dark energy. The air crackled with malevolent power as she unleashed it towards Percy, intent on overwhelming him with sheer force. Percy reacted swiftly, summoning a barrier of water to deflect the initial blast, but the sheer intensity of Khaos's attack staggered him.

As the dark energy dissipated, Percy saw his opportunity. With a fierce battle cry, he lunged forward, feinting a stab at her neck. Khaos quickly brought her sword upwards, ready to deflect the stab before Percy brought his sword down, slashing at Khaos' right thigh, hitting bone. Khaos cried out in pain, her knees buckling beneath her as she staggered backward. He raised Riptide, preparing to deliver a final strike that would hopefully kill Khaos. But just as he poised to strike, something caught his eye.

Dionysus had been fighting valiantly nearby, using his grapevines to entangle wendigos and keep them at bay. But now, he was overwhelmed. Ten wendigos descended upon him with savage ferocity, and Dionysus, not being at good close combat, quickly got overwhelmed once they entered his space, their claws tearing through his godly flesh, golden ichor splashed everywhere. Dionysus fell, his form barely recognisable before he too faded.

Percy's heart clenched in horror and despair as he witnessed Dionysus's fall. He never liked him much, but he was still horrified that his ex-camp director just fell like that and he was starting to have a panic attack. His focus, wavered for a split second, allowed Khaos to regain her footing, her eyes narrowing with renewed fury. She aimed her hand at Percy, gathering dark energy into a concentrated beam of destructive force. Before Percy could react, the beam struck him squarely in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

The impact knocked the wind out of Percy, leaving him gasping for breath as he struggled to regain his bearings. His body throbbed with pain, some of his ribs most likely broken. Before he could muster the strength to rise, Khaos appeared before him in a flash of darkness, her sword raised high with lethal intent. Percy's heart pounded in his chest as he braced for the fatal blow.

But in that critical moment, a figure jumped between him and Khaos—a flash of golden hair. Aphrodite, her form battered and bruised from the battle, took the brunt of Khaos's blade through her midsection and let out a cry of pain before falling to the ground. The goddess of chaos grunted in anger for she had been interrupted, and cruelly kicked Aphrodite as hard as she could on the head, sending her tumbling away, body skidding across the rocky ground. Percy's heart clenched in horror and despair as he watched Aphrodite's form crumple, ichor staining her clothes.

Zeus, witnessing the exchange, reacted with lightning speed. He summoned his powers, bolts of electricity crackling around him. With a roar, Zeus unleashed a torrent of lightning that struck Khaos squarely in the chest. The goddess of chaos staggered back, her aura flickering with instability as the electricity coursed through her.

Percy, tears streaming down his face, scrambled to Aphrodite's side. He knelt beside her, his hands trembling as he cradled her head gently. "I-I never meant for it to be like this," he choked out, his voice thick with emotion. "I'm sorry I was such a dick. You were just trying to help me, and all I did was push you away."

Aphrodite's eyes fluttered open, a faint smile touching her lips despite the pain etched on her face. "It's okay, Percy," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Everything will be okay. You have to... you have to end this."

Percy shook his head, his heart breaking at the sight of Aphrodite's fading form. "I-I can't lose you too," he murmured, his voice cracking with grief.

"You won't lose me," Aphrodite assured him, her voice firming with determination. "But you have to defeat her. For everyone we've lost... for us."

With those words, Aphrodite's eyes closed, her breathing growing fainter. Percy pressed his forehead against hers, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs. He couldn't lose her—not now, not after everything he had been through.

But as he lifted his head, determination flared in his eyes. He couldn't afford to falter now. With a deep breath, Percy rose to his feet, Riptide gripped tightly in his hand. He turned towards Khaos, who was regaining her focus from Zeus' lighting blast.

Percy's grief hardened into resolve as he faced his most hated foe. With one final glance at Aphrodite's still form which was turning to grey dust, he, Athena and Zeus charged at Khaos.

Khaos, though formidable, began to show signs of wear. Her once-impenetrable defences wavered under the onslaught of the three beings' fury. Athena seized an opportunity, sweeping Khaos's legs out from under her. As Khaos fell to her knees, Percy lunged forward, Riptide flashing as he drove the blade deep into her torso. Khaos let out a guttural scream of pain, her aura flickering violently.

Zeus quickly moved in behind, wrapping his powerful arms around Khaos in a headlock, restraining her. "Now, Athena!" he shouted, his voice strained with effort.

Athena raised her weapon, ready to deliver the final blow. But before she could strike, Khaos unleashed a desperate, blinding beam of energy that exploded outward, sending Percy, Athena, and Zeus hurtling through the air. They landed hard, the impact knocking the wind out of them.

Despite her injuries, Khaos staggered to her feet, her eyes blazing with anger and desperation. She teleported to Zeus in an instant, her movements a blur. Before he could react, she drove her blade into his chest, twisting it cruelly. Zeus gasped, his eyes widening in shock and pain, before he crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Khaos stood over his body, her form wavering but her eyes burning with a fierce, malevolent triumph. Percy looked back to the four remaining gods who were last fighting the wendigos, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes and Ares. The situation was not looking good at all. Hermes had spent most of his time managing to evade attacks through his superior speed, but it proved to be the cause of his fatality too, when he tripped on one of the wendigos legs, before being ripped apart immediately. Apollo had also been killed after wendigos managed to close in on him, and just like Dionysus his lack of ability in close combat proved to be his demise. Percy couldn't even find Ares, assuming he had already faded away long ago. The only one who was still alive was Artemis, but between thirty other wendigos and her starting to wear down, the odds were not in her favour.

Athena turned to Percy, and for the first time in history, desperation could be seen from her eyes.

"Percy," she said, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. "Take this."

From the folds of her armour, she produced the rainbow shard he had mined in the very mines that got his father killed, its surface shimmering with an iridescent light. He had completely forgotten about it after he had been hospitalised.

"We don't have a chance taking on Khaos by ourselves and Artemis won't last much longer. There's no one left to fight, but there is one more way. There's a shrine in a location unknown to the gods, but is dedicated towards Ananke, the primordial goddess of fate. The shard you have in your hand is called a prismatic shard, and according to the myths there is only one in the entire world's existence. With it, you can make an exchange with Ananke, who will grant one wish, any wish, once you sacrifice the shard to her and that's the only way you'll be able to defeat Khaos." Athena said, her gaze suddenly turned towards Khaos who was quickly approaching.

Percy stared at the shard, his mind racing with the enormity of Athena's words. "But... the shrine, Athena. How do I get there?"

Athena's gaze softened with a mix of sorrow and determination. "The shrine can only be accessed through the willing exchange of an immortal soul," she explained quietly. "I will exchange my soul so that you can get there. It's the least I can do after abandoning Annabeth. You have to avenge her, avenge all of us."

Without another word, Athena clasped Percy's hand, her grip firm and unwavering. A surge of energy surrounded them both, before Percy was enveloped in a blinding white light, alone.

It took Percy a minute to realise he had already arrived at the shrine as just like his transition had been, everything around him was a brilliant white, almost as if it had no colour at all. He could just barely make out the propylaeum, an ancient Greek entrance, right in front of him, to which he started walking towards. However, Percy noticed that he wasn't empty handed. An envelope was in his hand, and as he read the front, he realised this was the note that Poseidon had left him in the mines, and that along with the prismatic shard, Percy had never actually retrieved it. Athena must've given it to him right before she sacrificed herself.

As he moved forward, the brightness around him began to subside slightly, revealing a long corridor lined with intricate carvings and frescoes. Each panel depicted major events throughout history—both mortal and divine. Percy paused, captivated by the artistry and significance of the images. There were scenes of creation, legendary battles, the rise and fall of empires, and crucial moments in the lives of gods and heroes. The final panels seemed to illustrate recent events, battles he recognized, and the friends he had lost.

The first panel depicted Him, Grover and Annabeth standing triumphant, his own hand clutching the Master Bolt at Mount Olympus. Moving forward, another scene unfolded—the battle against Kronos, where Percy had given the blade to Luke who had sacrificed himself. Next, a mural depicted their harrowing battle against Gaea, the Earth Mother herself. A sombre panel followed, depicting the Battle of Camp Half-Blood. Percy saw himself leading the charge, rallying demigods against relentless waves of monsters. Yet, amidst the chaos, there were moments of loss—friends who fell bravely in battle, their faces immortalised in the mural.

His steps faltered as he spotted a scene within the mural—a haunting depiction that gripped Percy's heart with ice. Annabeth lay motionless on the ground, her usually vibrant eyes closed, her golden hair splayed around. Above her, Khaos loomed with a malevolent presence, her dark aura casting shadows over Annabeth's still form. Percy stood beside her, his expression twisted in anguish and despair, his hands reaching out futilely as if to shield her from harm. The artist had captured the scene with such detail that Percy could almost hear his own screams echoing through the mural. Tears welled up in his eyes as he traced the lines of Annabeth's face, the pain of loss washing over him anew.

As he moved on, a new mural caught Percy's eye—one that took place in the mines and depicted Poseidon, his father, falling victim to a Wendigo's brutal attack. The creature's savage claws pierced through Poseidon's neck. The pain of losing his father weighed heavily on Percy's heart as he stared at the haunting image. Lastly, a stark representation of the recent battle at the mines. Here, the mural froze the moment Aphrodite leaped between Percy and Khaos, her expression resolute as Khaos's blade struck her midsection.

The emotions welled up inside Percy, threatening to overwhelm him. He clenched his fists. Each mural was a painful reminder of the losses he had suffered, each image a testament to how far Percy could go before he would break down, before he would give up himself. But amidst the sorrow, a steely resolve took place in Percy's heart. He knew that he had to honour their memories, to ensure that none of their sacrifices were in vain. This was the reason he kept going, to make sure their souls could rest in peace.

With a heavy heart, Percy tore his gaze away from the murals and continued towards the corridor. His steps were heavy, each footfall echoing with the weight of his emotions. The prismatic shard in his hand seemed to grow warmer, as if urging him forward, reminding him of the hope that still flickered amidst the darkness.

When he finally arrived in the main room, Percy was struck by its profound ancient simplicity. The chamber was circular, its walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting the cycle of fate and the primordial forces that governed the universe. The air was thick with a sense of ancient power, as if the very essence of destiny permeated the stone walls. At the centre of the chamber stood the shrine of Ananke itself—a marble pedestal bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. Upon it rested a shallow basin filled with shimmering, iridescent waters that seemed to reflect the entirety of existence within their depths. That must be where he was supposed to place the prismatic shard.

However, that was when he noticed a figure in the corner of the room. Ares.

How? Percy had assumed he had faded along with the other gods, but somehow he was up here, in the shrine of Ananke with him. But that was impossible. You had to kill an immortal to get up here, unless—

"You–you killed Hestia?" Percy shouted angrily, not believing that the God of War was standing in front of him. But as he recalled fragments of memories, he realised that it was obvious this entire time.

Haley sniffed, wiping her bloodshot eyes. "It's Alex. I-I love him, I really do, but he keeps seeing other girls! Like, right after you left, a notification popped up from his phone, and it was from this random girl called 'Chee'?

It wasn't all perfect though, as despite Haley's initial words at the bar and Percy's warnings, she still was with that dick Alex. He couldn't understand why, since it wasn't like their relationship had improved, Haley catching him contacting the mysterious 'Chee' once again.

Haley's fists clenched at her sides, her voice rising. "Maybe that's because I can't stand to be around someone who constantly belittles and controls me, keeping me as as a trophy wife while you f*ck your sidechick 'Chee' and so I'm forced to take my anger out on others!"

"Qi is an alias! She's K-" Poseidon never managed to finish his sentence before he was rammed into the ground by one of the deer-hybrids.

"Aphrodite told me you were talking to a girl called Chee, but that was actually Khaos, wasn't it?" Percy glared accusingly at Ares, to which he just laughed.

"You know, you were always Hestia's weak spot. At the bar, on the first night I wasn't actually flirting with her. I mean, she's my aunt for god's sake and I'm not into that type of stuff. But I was blackmailing her, saying that I would kill you immediately unless she agreed to swear on the styx to give her soul to me when the time came. So, here I am" Ares grinned, bringing his longsword up in triumph.

Percy's grip tightened on the prismatic shard, his eyes narrowing. "You're disgusting."

Ares simply shrugged. "Enough chit chat. Give me the prismatic shard."

"No," Percy responded firmly, his stance unwavering.

Ares sighed dramatically. "I didn't want to do this the hard way, but you leave me no choice."

With that, he lunged at Percy, his longsword slicing through the air with lethal intent.

Percy parried his slash, before he himself surged forward, Riptide clashing against Ares' longsword with a resounding clang. The shrine's ethereal glow illuminated their fierce battle, casting shifting shadows on the walls adorned with the cycle of fate. Sparks flew as their weapons met again and again, each strike more powerful than the last.

This time, unlike the time at Aphrodite's house, he knew he would win. He was faster, more precise, and most of all he had a reason to fight. His movements were fueled by a burning desire to avenge the fallen. Ares, on the other hand, seemed increasingly desperate, his arrogance giving way to frustration. Percy's relentless assault pushed the god of war back, step by step, until Ares stumbled and fell to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Percy stood over Ares, Riptide poised to deliver the final blow. But before he could strike, Ares' eyes turned pitch black, an unnatural darkness consuming them. A cold, sinister laugh echoed through the chamber as Khaos possessed Ares' body.

"Foolish boy," Khaos hissed, her voice a chilling mix of Ares and her own. "You think you can defeat me?"

With a flick of her hand, Khaos unleashed a powerful blast of energy. Percy was thrown across the room, crashing into the marble pedestal that held the shrine of Ananke. Pain shot through his body as he struggled to get back on his feet, his vision swimming. To his surprise, the marble he had crashed into didn't even have a dent, proving this room's indestructibility.

Khaos, now fully in control of Ares' form, advanced towards Percy, her eyes glowing with malevolent delight. "You didn't think you could escape me that easily, did you?" she sneered, her power radiating through the chamber. Percy gritted his teeth, forcing himself to stand despite the searing pain and charged towards Khaos.

Percy put up a valiant effort, dodging and parrying Khaos's relentless attacks. His determination and desperation fueled his movements, but now that Percy was alone without the assistance of Zeus of Athena, it was like the battle at Camp Half-Blood all over again. With a swift move, she lunged at him, her blade penetrating through his knee, ensuring he would never be able to stand again. Percy cried out in pain, collapsing onto his back in front of the shrine, his vision blurring from the agony.

Khaos stood over him, her expression a mask of cruel triumph. "It's over, Percy Jackson," she taunted, raising her sword to deliver the final blow.

Percy shot Khaos with multiple blasts of energy as she approached, but she easily deflected all of them, not in a hurry knowing Percy couldn't even stand. With his strength waning and his options limited, Percy's eyes darted towards the shrine behind him.

In a split second decision, he used all his remaining stamina to shoot a beam of energy towards the shrine before quickly ducking. The beam ricocheted off the marble surface, reflecting back with blinding intensity right above his head.

The unexpected move caught Khaos off guard. The beam struck her squarely in the chest, sending her sprawling backward, her grip on Ares' sword faltering. Percy seized the moment. Despite the pain searing through his body, he crawled towards the shrine, clutching the prismatic shard tightly in his hand.

As he reached the pedestal, he placed the shard into the shimmering basin. The water began to glow brighter, pulsing with an ancient power. Percy closed his eyes, his heart pounding as he prayed with every ounce of his being.

"Ananke, hear my plea. I offer this prismatic shard in exchange for the death of Khaos. End her reign of destruction and restore balance."

The chamber seemed to hold its breath. The glowing waters surged with energy, and a wave of light erupted from the basin, enveloping Percy in its warmth. The light expanded, filling the entire room, and Percy felt an immense, powerful force radiating from the shrine.

Khaos, regaining her footing, stared in horror as the light engulfed her. She screamed, a sound filled with fury and fear, as the energy from the prismatic shard bore down on her, unravelling her very essence. Her form flickered and twisted, and with a final, agonising cry, Khaos began to disintegrate into nothingness, her existence being erased by the power of Ananke.

After all, nothing was above fate itself.

Percy watched in awe and relief as Khaos vanished, the malevolent presence that had caused so much pain and suffering finally gone. The light slowly faded, leaving the chamber in a serene, almost peaceful silence. Percy collapsed onto the ground, utterly spent, but a sense of profound peace washed over him. Khaos was finally gone. He had avenged the fallen.

10 years later

"Percy Jackson, Ms. Dare is ready to see you."

Percy turned to the receptionist and nodded his thanks, before wheeling himself down the hallway to Rachel's office. The path was familiar by now, having been seeing her as his therapist the past five years. He had run into Rachel at a bar (or rather she had run into him) after she caught him with multiple shot glasses, extremely inebriated. To be fair to him, it was the only way he could get the nightmares to stop. Luckily, Rachel, who had become a therapist while pursuing art during her free time, took Percy under her wing seeing he had nobody else to return to.

"Come in, Percy!" Rachel's voice called out from inside.

He pushed the door open and wheeled himself into the room. Rachel smiled warmly at him from behind her desk before standing up and helping Percy to his usual seating arrangement. The walls, which were painted by Rachel herself, were covered with soft, soothing tones of sage green and beige, creating an atmosphere of warmth.

"It's really great to see you! How have you been feeling since our last session?" Rachel asked, once seated at the seat adjacent to his.

Percy grimaced. "To be honest, it hasn't been going great; I don't think the medication you gave me is working anymore."

Rachel's face softened with empathy. She furrowed her brow slightly, a look that Percy had come to recognize as her trying to understand his pain. "Your nightmares reappearing may be due to you revisiting the battles. Have you been doing that?" she asked, her voice gentle and encouraging.

Percy sighed, knowing she was right before rambling. "I.. I've been thinking of how I could've avoided more deaths. I should've forced Annabeth to stay home, to avoid her dying. I shouldn't have used the last pearl on myself, leaving behind the other demigods to fend for themselves. I should've been quicker in the mines, running before the monsters approached before having to be saved by dad. I shouldn't have been so easily distracted all the time, because Aphrodite would never have died then. If I was strong enough to kill Khaos, I could've used the prismatic shard to bring back everyone else. Despite everything I did, it was never enough."

"Percy," Rachel said gently, her voice breaking through his downward spiral. She leaned forward, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "It's useless thinking of what should've been, because you can't change the past."

"You're suffering from survivor's guilt. It's guaranteed that you'll keep recalling these memories, but you need to know that you saved billions of people from Khaos' wrath, you saved me. You did the best you could, and in the end it was just fate. The deaths were not your fault."

Percy's face crumpled, the weight of his grief finally breaking through his resolve. Tears streamed down his cheeks, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs. "But it feels like I failed them," he choked out. "I keep seeing their faces, hearing their voices. I don't know how to make it stop."

Rachel moved closer, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting embrace. "It's okay to feel this way," she whispered. "You went through unimaginable trauma, and it's going to take time to heal. But you don't have to do it alone. I'm here for you."

For a few moments, Percy allowed himself to be vulnerable, letting the tears flow as Rachel held him. Gradually, his sobs subsided, and he took a few deep, shaky breaths, trying to regain his composure.

Rachel gently pulled back, reaching into a drawer of her desk. "I have something for you," she said softly. "Something that might help you find some closure."

She handed him an envelope, worn and slightly yellowed with age. Percy's eyes widened as he recognized his father's handwriting on the front. "I found it in my rubbish bin," Rachel explained. "I've been holding onto it until I felt you were ready, and I think you are now."

"I-I can't read it. I don't think I can handle it," Percy stammered, his voice trembling.

Rachel gently placed her hand on his. "You're stronger than you think, Percy. This letter might help you find some peace."

Percy hesitated, his fingers trembling as he held the envelope. The fear of facing his father's words, of reliving the pain, was almost overwhelming. But with Rachel's reassuring presence beside him, he took a deep breath and slowly opened the envelope, unfolding the letter inside.


If this letter has made its way to you, it means I've passed on. I'm not sure if you're still mad at me when you're reading this, but if you are, I guess I understand. I was never a good enough father to you.

Nonetheless, I want you to know that I am proud of you. You've faced challenges that would break most people, yet you've always stood tall even when it seemed impossible. Your bravery, your sense of justice have always set you apart from other heroes.

I'm sorry I wasn't there more often. Gods have their responsibilities, but it doesn't excuse the countless times I should have been by your side. Know that every moment I wasn't there, I was watching, and I was proud. You've become a leader, a hero, and a beacon of hope for the many people you've fought alongside.

I know it may be hard moving into the future. As a child of the sea, loyalty has always been our flaw; it binds us, and sometimes it drowns us because we hold on to the past. But loyalty also gives us spirit, hope, it gives us an anchor to hold on when things get tough. Loyalty is what keeps us going.

As you continue your journey, remember that you are never alone. You will continue losing close ones, but the love and memories of those who have stood by you will always be what matters most. And though I may not be there in physical form, my legacy will continue on with you.

Take care of yourself, my son. Live your life fully, love deeply, and never lose sight of who you are. You are Perseus Jackson, the greatest ever hero.

Keep on Walking,

Keep On Walking - Axefills - Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.