The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

EIGHT THE EVENING TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1946 Sayre, Athens, South Waverly, and Waverly, N.Y. Four in Family Die as Home Is Sweptby Flames HOLLIDAYSBURG, March 25 (UP)-Four members of a family lost their lives yesterday when fire swept through their home. The dead were Mrs. Anna Chamberlain, 66; her daughters, Lenora, 26, and Gladys, 21, and a son, Clarence, 33, a veteran of the South Pacific. Another daughter Verna Mae 18, was recovering from burns and shock in Mercy hospital, Altoona, Pa.

The fire was discovered about 2:30 a.m. by a married son, Maurice, 35, who lives with his parents. Awakened by the coughing his three-year-old daughter, TUESDAY'S CHEF'S SPECIAL LUNCHEON AND DINNER Fit for a King! ROAST MEAT -with. Creamy White Mashed Potatoes Cabbage Salad or Buttered Corn With Rolls and Coffee 45c -ATO'Briens' Knotty Pine Dining Room WAVERLY, N. Y.

Beverly, Maurice, found the house ablaze. Beverly and another daughter, Ann Elizabeth, 6, and lowered them to safety from a porch roof. Rushing into the house, Maurice, and rescued a his brother, father, Arthur, ArJr. 14. Maurice saw Verna Mae caught in a tree where she had leaped from the second story.

He rescued her and took her to the home of a neighbor. Mercy hospital officials described Verna Mae's condition as "fair." In the meantime, the Hollidaysburg volunteer fire department arrived. Scaling a ladder to the second floor, Maurice found the bodies of his mother and sisters huddled near a window. He carried his mother's body to the ground. Firemen followed with the bodies of Lenora and Gladys.

Clarence's body was found on a stairway leading to the second floor. Coroner Daniel M. Reploge said the blaze began living room on the first floor. Cause of the fire was not determined immediately. Kirwin's Downs Wyalusing, Wins Review Tourney TOWANDA, March 25.

Kirwan's Grill team today the champion the Review basketball lil tournament by reason of their victory Saturday night over Wyalusing Vets, 47 to 35, in a hard-fought game. Kirwan's went through the tournament with five wins to take the honors. Fred Coolbaugh and George McCrossin, the forwards, were the outstanding performers. The team took the $50 prize while the Wyalusing team took second award of $35. The crowd decided that George McCrossin was the most sportsmanlike player during the tournament and he was presented $5 as well as $5 for being high scorer.

Proceeds above expenses of the tournament go to the Crippled Children's society. The Review paid the $100 prize money. Between halves Saturday night the New Albany high school girls sextet sang three numbers led by Miss Ruth Pinnock, music teacher. AUCTION ION Having sold my farm, I will sell at public auction at the farm, located one mile east of Sayre-follow sign-on FRIDAY, MARCH 29 AT 2 P.M. 12 Purebred Registered JERSEY HEIFERS 3 fresh, balance to freshen in summer and early fall.

Certified charts furnished. 45 CROSS-BRED HENS AND A BIG HOG FARM EQUIPMENT THREE STOVES Brand new 4-can Wilson milk, cooler--never been used; about 3 tons baled straw, fence controller, hay rope and pulleys, grapple fork, 2 tons of lime, bushel of grass seed, 25 fence posts, white Sunbeam heater, 4-burner oil stove, Home Comfort enamel cook stove, chairs and a few other small articles. TERMS CASH-Everything must be settled for before removal from premises. LESLIE CAMP, Owner I DON NICHOLS, Sale Manager GEORGE SCOTT, Auctioneer BOB SLINGERLAND, Clerk FIRST to bring you evaporated milk with 400 units of pure vitamin D3 per pint FOR BABY AND REAL VITAMIN FOR COFFEE AND COOKING REAL I FLAVOR NESTLES LEADING DOCTORS AND HOSPITALS USE this new, improved milk for babies' formulas SO it's bound to be good for you, too! NOW 3 TIMES RICHER IN VITAMIN than ever before. A real vitaminboost for for the whole family! NESTLES TASTE A SPOONFULright from the can! You'll EVAPORATED like the clean, rich, natural MEDICAL AMERICAN taste of NESTLES Milk.

What MILK MERCASED a flavor-boost for coffee and MINORED cooking! Try it! IS ACATION APPROVED FOR VITAMIN 1 TESTS NESCAFE LISCA M-96 another famous Nestles Product Sen. Taft Proves He's Party Man TOWANDA, March 25- Sen. Robert A. Taft, who spoke in Troy Saturday night, stopped, in with his Towanda family, Sunday patronizing Sluyter's Cantina on York avenue, which happened to be good politics, because Mr. Sluyter is a Republican.

The senator got out of the car and removed the oil cap for Mr. Sluyter, who was extremely busy servicing sevcustomers' cars at the time. Sen. Taft also closed the hood a after the oil had been checked. Mr.

Sluyter, third ward councilman, reported that Sen. Taft's car was a Buick, not very new, and bore Ohio license plates. Mrs. Rockwell of Towanda Is Dead TOWANDA, March 25. Mrs.

John L. Rockwell, 81, died Sunday at the Mills hospital where she has been a patient since fracturing her hip several weeks ago. Daughter of the late Henry C. and Harriet S. Tracy of Monroeton, she attended the S.C.I.

and the Hamilton Female seminary. She taught school for many years and married Mr. Rockwell in 1886. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary 1936. She had been a school director, a member of the Health board, chairman of the Red Cross, and was active in the Presbyterian church.

She also was a member of the old Bradford County Civic league and later the Federated Women's club. She was also a member of the D.A.R., Eastern Star, and Rebekahs. Besides her husband she is survived by two sons, Dr. Leo L. Rockwell Colgate university, Henry T.

Rockwell of Monroeton; and four grandchildren. Friends may call at her late home tonight. Private funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. D.

R. Bluhm will officiate. Burial in Monroeton cemetery. Rotary to Hear Radio Speaker Al Sisson, radio commentator over radio station WHAM, Rochester, N. will be the speaker at the regular weekly meeting of the Sayre Rotary club Tuesday in Coleman Memorial parish house.

Active in theatrical work all his life, Mr. Sisson was a volunteer Red Cross worker in the Mediterranean theater of operations. He served in North and later was in charge of a clubmobile unit on the Cassino front. He has talked before many groups on his experiences since his return to the states. WASHINGTON MERRY (Continued trom Page 4) antine" speech in Chicago, urging an economic blockade of aggressor nations.

Simultaneously the British started a part of their Fleet through Gibraltar to Singapore. However, the Axis, probably decoding American diplomatic cables, discovered what was happening and Mussolini started a submarine campaign against British merchant shipping in Spanish waters. So the British fleet turned back from Singapore and remained near Spain and Gibraltar. State Department Appeases Roosevelt, however, persevered. Calling the Brussels Conference of the Nine Power nations supposed to protect China, he gave Norman Davis, head of the American delegation, full power to invoke an economic blockade against Japan.

Following this, FDR made his greatest mistake. He went on a fishing trip. In his absence, appeasers inside the State Department made mincemeat of his instructions to Davis. Every move Davis made at Brussels was stymied in Washington. The attempt to block Japan was a complete fiasco.

That attempt, in the autumn of 1937, was the last real move to save the faltering machinery of peace, In October 1938, at Munich, came one more semi-attempt, but it was halfhearted and every realist knew that there was no chance whatsoever of stopping Hitler by giving him the Sudetenland. But, unfortunately, many diplomats are not realists. If they were, they never would have permitted the first small penetrations of the world's peace machinery in Manchuria, in Ethiopia, in the Rhineland. (Copyright, 1946, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) OTHMAN (Continued from take and which actually have been declared surplus; there developed immediately the great teapot mystery. Somebody make a mistake about how many teapots our allies needed.

Now we've got 349,328 teapots and tea kettles stored in warehouses at Newark, York Staten Island. clersena The senator hopes eventually they will be used somewhere for serving tea. There also seemed to be some miscalculation about holding up masculine pants in lands across the sea; the treasury reported that 57,676 pairs of adjustable suspenders nobody wanted still were in a Brooklyn warehcuse, while 108,448 tan, green, and black belts mouldered on pier, 98 in south Philadelphia. the same pier are 12 maps of the world. In a drugwarehouse in New York are 800 four and one haif ounce cans Judge, Target of N.

Y. Probe, Dies ALBANY, N. March 25-(A P)-State Supreme Court Justice Gilbert V. Schenck, a former appellate division justice who became a target in the Albany ty crime investigation ordered by Governor Dewey, died yesterday. Schenck was 63.

He suffered a heart attack while fighting a brush fire. His term would have ended next December 31. The jurist had been accused by Special Prosecutor George P. Monaghan, directing the Albany county crime probe, of discussing an election frauds cause, pending before the appellate division, with Daniel P. O'Connell, Albany county Democratic leader.

The assembly last Jan. 15 adopted by a 120-2 vote a resolution censuring Schenck for what it termed "reprehensible" conduct. Schenck testified before the special grand jury concerning the incident and said he had considered of toothpowder, indicating that somebody somewhere decided the natives of his town no longer needed to polish their choppers. You see what I meant when I said, confusing. the case "from the angle of pure politics." The state bar association subsequently recommended that the legislature consider ouster proceedings.

Schenck was born at Sprakers, Montgomery county. He was graduated from Union college and Allaw school. He served as bany corporation counsel and- Alcounty surrogate before his election to the supreme court bench in 1931. Two Grass Fires Occur In Towanda on Weekend TOWANDA, March 25--Firemen had two grass fires over the end. Saturday they were called upper Bridge street again Sunday were at the Martin Vanderpool place on Main street just outside the borough limits next to the former Children's home.

Fire Chief Adrian Young again asked residents to contact the firemen before starting fires. He also warns that tickets prohibited' placed on cars parked in areas near the fire rooms. The owner will be fined when taken before Burgess W. J. Litzelman.

A nationwide 50-city price tabulation shows the service station price of gasoline to average 20.21 cents a gallon, including an average tax of 6.05 cents. Registrations Start Today in Valley Boroughs Registration for voting begins in the Valley today, with a board of registrars sitting at the town hall in Athens this afternoon from 2 to 5 and this evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. The board will move to Sayre tomorrow, to be at the town hall Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. During these sittings of mine board, any persons not registered may do so, and political leaders have warned all Valleyites to make certain they have not lost their registration by failing to vote for two years. The board also will accept changes of party affiliation, and notices of change of address.

Registrations and changes of party affiliation must be made not later than Saturday of this week, and if not made by Thursday, can be made only at Towanda. Persons who have moved from one voting district to another must file notice of removal not later than April 22, showing that the change occurred not later than March 22. Epithets Fly in Reuther Thomas Auto Union Fight ATLANTIC CITP, N. March 25-(UP)-The campaign for the presidency of the nation's largest union the CIO United Auto Workers exploded today with bitter charges of "liar," "Commu- Such notices can be filed by mail to Towanda. Persons who have moved from one place to another in the same district may file notices in Towanda by mail by April 22, or may file their notices at the polling place on eleciton day.

The Sayre Republican club is offering its services provide transportation for anyone wishing to register, regardless of party affiliation Anyone desiring transportation may call any of these committeemen: First ward, Frank Horn 14-601 or Harlan Murrelle second ward, W. S. Barnes 14-682 or George Mott 16-781; third ward, Harold Searfoss 13-923 fourth ward, Mrs. Bertha McCloskey 21-764 or Albert E. Theetge 15-681; and fifth ward Mike Calveric 14-194 Sayre's Future Lies In Its Youth! If we will continue to build strong character into sturdy young bodies, Sayre need have no fear for her Youth.

Over the past six years the people of Sayre have seen to it that their boys and girls have received all the benefits offered through training in the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts. A Community Center has been provided wherein recreation facilities are made available to active young bodies where animal thusiasms are directed toward productive lines. Our Community Nursing Service has helped bring strong and healthy babies into the world besides providing health instruction for growing Youth and his elders. A Day Nursery is provided for the tiny tot; The Bradford County Child Health Committee has aided those who had nowhere else to turn for Health Guidance. And because the good people of Sayre have seen to it that these health and character building agencies were provided with adequate working capital, Sayre has reaped rich dividends through a lowering rate of Juvenile Delinquency in a world where this rate has reached alarming proportions.

Sayre has done all this through THE COMMUNITY CHEST And now, we have the opportunity to continue the good work over another year. The Chest MUST be refilled. This is Community Chest Week in Sayre. Take pride in your Gift as you take pride in our Youth! nist line" and exchanged by R. J.

Thomas, incumbent, and Walter P. Reuther, red-haired vice president who led the long General Motors strike. Philip Murray, CIO president, whom both candidates praised during their angry exchange, addressed the 2,300 delegates attending national warring factions -at least for public appearances The frayed nerves of the union leaders from the General Motors strike were exposed last night when Thomas at a press conference accused Reuther of calling the GM strike without consultation with the national union, and said if elected to the UAW presidency, he would only be a "dupe" of those trying to take the UAW back into the American Federation of Labor. Reuther replied to the charges, point by point, within a matter of minutes, claiming that Thomas in his attack was following the Cornmunist line "that the Daily Worker has been running for a year." The delegates for the most part took the charges and counter charges calmly They approved a resolution calling on state legislatures to pass equal pay for equal work laws to give women an equal opportunity in industry. They rejected a proposal to lengthen the term of office for union leaders from one to two years, and a recommendation for establishment of a fair practices and anti-discrimination department within the UAW..

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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