Danville Register and Bee from Danville, Virginia (2024)

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Danville Register and Beei

Danville, Virginia

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THE REGISTER DANVILLE VA SUNDAY JULY 161933 unities Jsil'rpin Ne ighbor ing Co Continuing the Annual Mid Season VIRGILINA DresGfaianff! Where Kidnaped Albany Youth May Be Returned 'Society of the Baptist church was I well patronized on Thursday night REIDSVILLE OH Battershin are two North felt justified even with his i at Ja' Longs 3 ZwAi rt'wnr sr I "'s 1395 1850 Dresses now 1195 1650 Dresses during the past 21 now 895 1250 Dresses now 695 995 Dresses now Dresses now i 495 695 Dresses now 395 Dresses now All Other Summer Dresses at Like Reductions at urther Reductions On All I RINGGOLD Summer Shoes con so 485 Shoes 850 4 385 Shoes 650 285 Shoes 500 4 JH no hl North's Indeed trump longest 22 at their Martinsville twenty fifth for Louisville spend several Is the at her King have re northern trip atop the the daughter of Rich guest of Mr Ar home on lorence things The unorthodox lead of the queen ex at club of Metho Mlss Mary Jone and Mrs Craddock thia week Mr Wllon of Gaffney Is visiting her sister Mr Boyd Mis Catherine Boyd returned from Gaffney with Mrs Wilson whom she had visited for the part week tlon to Miss Dolly Crowley who car rled her partner to a grand slam: VIRGILINA July 15 Th Ice cream supper sponsored by tli Ladles Aid given Saturday July home "Scuffl Hill" Va celebrating their wedding anniversary Cardwell Bettie Marie Jones Leaksvllle and Helen Mitchell Mrs few days at Crystal Lake BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs A Setlift was much sur prised Sunday when all her children went in and gave her a surprise din ner Mrs Setllff went to church Sun day morning and when she returned hom*o she found the table all filled with good things to eat All gathered around the tabic and Rev Gillespie returned thank The birthday cake with Its slxty flve candles wa in the center of the table Those attending were Mrs Setlift Rev Gillespie Mr and Mrs Nat RIDGEWAY Va July Miss Birdie Coan is visiting her brother visiting Mr and Mrs A Martin and Dr James Marshall Mrs James Darlington and little daughter of Winston Salem visited Mr and Mrs Wilson for a tew days the past week Mr and Mrs A Gunn of Dan Henry Miller water where they will spend a or irst national bank DANVILLE VAJ Miss Rebecca Bonanan was among number of persons who attended movies In Oxford riday night LEAKSVILLE ELECT NEW OICERS I The American Legion Auxiliary held slam three tricks forthwith But All remaining Summer Shoes have been further reduced for immediate clearance includ ing all white and brown and white and black combina tions Many desirable styles to choose from I ing Mrs Setllff many more happy I birthdays ALTAVISTA i far IS HAPPY SACRIICE When a player makes a deliber ate sacnflc bld expecting to be eet and being willing to take a penalty rather than let the enemy have a game then triumphs in a high doubled nontract there comes one of the big kicks of the game' rom Salem Mass is sent this daughter Mrs Johnson at Brighton Va Mrs A Bohanan entertained at dinner on Tuesday evening in honor of Mesdames Daniel and Tuck at her home on lorence ave i nue I Miss Rebecca Bohanan has returned home from a visit to her sister In Greensboro Miss Margaret Chandler is visiting friends in Elon this week Mrs Cohen and daughter of Rich mond Va thur Tuck avenue East would have overcalled spades with five heart or could have offered four commanding West to bld suit Thef ive heart overcall in one way vUle vlelted Mr Gunn's relatives Mrs RIDGEWAY BIRTHDAY PARTY REIDSVILLE July Helen Christine Pritchett celebrated her it9 jujy meeting riday evening with eighth birthday Saturday The chll Mrs Dewey Clymer Eleven members dren played games until about 530 when they were called out in the side yard and served home made icfresh ments of mints ice cream and pound cake The following children were guests: Robertson Levern Moore Mary Kath erine Taylor Melvin Price Helen Smlthey Kittle Mae King Dorothy Grey Wingfield Marguerite Price Elaine Benson Billie Joyce Jenevieve McCollum Elizabeth Cooke Trevi Raper Rascoe Edna Price Marilyn McCollum Mary Elizabeth Rich Dor othy agg Carolyn aith Barber CTafharlne flrflfflin 1 Anne Russell Cecil Barber Jr "Slim" or South opened with three spades meaning under his method a strong trump suit and some outside strength The rubber had just start ed and West felt Impelled to put in a nuisance bld for four hearts hop ing to deter his opponents from slam if not game North felt justified even wnn ms paJhty of trick takers In bidding four spades because of the strength showing opening the normal trump support and the heart doubleton Miss Crowley East went to five hearts having a hand well worth an original bld lucky for West South went to five spades West happy that partner could help him in a desperate leap into the dark and confident now that the sacrifice would not be too great bid six hearts North and East passed Afraid now that the enemy could make six hearts South want to Sixspades As a matter of tact were East playing the hand alx hearts could not be beaten West and North passed ths buck East assumed that West's overcall of the opening bld must be based on possession of all or nearly all the hearts not In the East hand and lit tle else that six spades could be made unless west held some clubs or diamonds to the ace in which case there might be a play for seven hearts And so the heart grand slam was bld South doubling North now had the problem of leading It waa obvious to him that either West or East must have no spades outside strength was obviously in clubs or diamonds but which? North thought it would be safer to lead a spade and let the enemy ruff than to take a chance A spade lead let West home with the grand slam doubled The open ing lead was ruffed West trumps were drawn and the king and queen of clubs played from dummy Qu three clubs of the West hand three diamonds were discarded East West was lucky that he and partner held five top clubs despite the five clubs in the North hand North's failure to open a diamond shows the merit of the lead of the ten indicating possession of a high er honor Such is a favorite opening with i some experts when the lead la not clearly marked and when the suit is a tripleton Often it affords an In guests of the Reidsvllliahs at the sumptuous dinner which was served on the lawn of the Midway Methodist Protestant church The Leaksvllle postoffice made a remarkable gain for the year ending June 30th over that of the preceding year The receipts for 1933 are 13 40515 against $248895 for last year a gain of fl 01620 or 40 per cent Increase The postmaster believes that another big increase will show at the end of the next fiscal year Mary Dalton colored was released yesterday from Memorial hospital where she had been under treatment OICE HOURS: 9 AM TO PM EVENING AND SUNDAY IY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT Osricg Phomi NO 5 LluO 371 ALTAVISTA July' A dally vacation" Bible School has been in 4 'proe8 during the week past with RevZs Dumville as principal and Rev David Charleton as dean The membership is around IOC there sbeing three departments 5 and juniors with possibly 'lyan Intermediate department later school' will continue through snnrnnriate Closing ever a If! vises ste oeing scneauicu 7 razier is directing the music Rev John Rldout is Imparting slg iial code information to the boys i'fc during the hand craft hour The school Includes in its aauy Kroutlne the following: Bible stories character stories memory tests hand craft 'and recreation Mrs Wright Hamner was hostess to the Central Baptist A's at hen home "Wild Waste" near Alta Si vista on Thursday evening An in is terestfng program was rendered un the leadership Miss Ollie V4 Lindsay which was followed by a business' session and a social hour Mrs guests comprized: i Misses Thelma and Reva Edyth Weeks Miss Hilda Craw Miss Maud Smith Miss Miss rancis Nelson razier Miss Lindsay Underwood and Mrs Nelson Cant Dickerson and togsn of Pittsburgh and Jimmie Edna Earle Taylor Bailie Price Erma (IT Ill "ri0 oponO WEST 4 NONE VK9764 642 Shopping rents Mr and Mrs John Doyle Guy AUbrlght left Ky where he will weeks The boy and girls dist church met with Jones Tuesday afternoon Jigsaw puz zles were enjoyed Those winning the prizes were ainicen uuncan Mar iwnn men garet Knight and Mary Ann Duncan1 poisonous Seven eatured Groups At the ollowing Reductions! fWortz of New York arrived by plane on afternoon from NewIXorlt landing on the river flats near k' the Commonwealth Dairy The party was registered at the Commonwealth Hotel Monday evening Afterwards they iwere guests in the home of JRudolph Campbell here 'On Wednesday morning when pilot Wurtz was attempting to take the air and effect a landing in ield near Altavista the plane ran into a ditch near the river damag ing 'landing gear considerably Jr (The pilot was unable to gain suf flcient altitude to clear the growth 1 along the river banks and crashed 4nto theisouthern bank of the riverwith the' tall at the water's edge The pilot suffered minor in juries consisting of cuts and burns X' the hands The propeller wa jV badly damaged and the motor was Reported jammed by the impact party accompanied by Mr Campbell were planning to leave tn the afternoon New York leaving on the following Monday for points in' South America Their de parture was delayed somewhat by me necessjvy vi icytuia Rev A Clement Colfax Ai 'C'wlli succeed Rev A Conner here as pastor of the Wesleyan i 'Methodist church He 'is expected to take up his duties here around I August 1st Rev Conner will leave Sv for another pastorate Mr Conner is 8s yet undecided where he willLJbcate having several call under consideration: He has been in Alta whichthe Wesleyan church madeprogress to a marked degree in' membership and interest 8 The church building na oeen en larged a parsonage erected onfothe lot adjoining belonging to the church all of which have taken a place during the strained economic condition felt most keenly by the Wesleyan congregation because of lack of employment among the 'membership much of the labor 'on fe the church being voluntary labor 3 The Royal Ambassador of the SfeCentral Baptist church met on rl evening with David razier The nj program was under he leadership I'' of Mrs Wright Hamner which was both Interesting and helpful A Boclal hour followekd Those present Were: Hamner Aubrey Crsw ford Jack Lucas rank Hamner A Tazl TJovwnse YUTlaa WI14a Vtrta ilBUHrt 4vaigi AAaavai ford and Mrs Hamner Ji Mr and Mra 8 Shelburne of Btaunton are visiting Mr Shel mother Mrs Anthony'znd their daughter' who is summer ing with her grandmother near Alta Vista' 4 Reynolds of Acsovllle Va JWho la visiting relatives In Hurt other nolnts in lttsvlvanla was Si visitor to Altavista on Leo Arthur Mrs Smith na miss Mamie smun were visitors Lynchburg on Monday Mis Matsle Wilkerson of Lynch j' burg has returned to the city after visit of several days to her sister 8 Nr Cumnock here Miss Eleanor Pond of Wakefield visiting Miss Lena Edwards her home here thia week hand which afforded great satlsfac Mr and spending a Va Mrs Tom Elliott of near Virginia had as her guests on riday evening Mr and Mrs Torlan and Miss Nell Dickinson of New York City Master ranz Elliott who has been sick is much Improved The Junior met In regu lar session bn riday night at the Baptist church Revival services at Shady Grove church came to a successful close on riday night The song servloea con ducted by Prof Young of Roxboro were a special feature of the meeting Mesdames Tuck and Daniel were visitors In South Boston riday night Mr and Mrs Emmett Tuck of Tur beville Va are guests of the parents of the latter on Seventh street A number of people In this vicinity attended the ball game on Saturday MRS PALMER HONORED I Honoring Mrs Palmer of Hat i tlesburg Miss who was a visitor in i the city last week Mrs Van Howard 1 and Edwin Glass entertained at bridge last Thursday afternoon The affair was held at Mrs Howard's home on i Main street our tables of contract were ar ranged High score prize for the after noon playing went to Miss Dorothy (Humphreys The award was at attrac tive compact The consolation prize a handkerchief went to Miss Jennie Satterfield Mrs Palmer honoree re UCiVCU MCUUrt of Charlotte another visitor tor the week and Mrs Briggs recent bride were presented lingerie and a double deck of cards respectively A delicious Ice course was served Guests were: Mrs Even Palmei Hattlesbutg Miss Mfs William Mauney Charlotte Mrs John Jr kidnaped scion of the powerfu political family of Albany was expected to be returned by his abductors to the mountain camp of his uncle Dan Connelh pictured above outside Salem The mother is said to be seel uded in the house at the left In front of the build ing at right two automobiles are ready to leave for any emergency MRS WRENN HONORS Gl ESTS Honoring her house guests Miss Helen Gilmer Dickson of Greensboro and Miss Bettie Norwood of Mt Airy Mrs Wrenn entertained at I hrlrtffe vesterdnv afternoon at her home on Maple avenue our tables were arranged After a delightful afternoon of placing high score price was awarded to Miss Wes delle McCollum Mlsa Mabel Burton of Richmond Va was awarded solation prize INVITATION'S ISSVED Mr and Mrs William Letchdr nlll formerly of Reidsville have la antl Mrs Rankln and Robert sued invitations to a reception to be Humphreys left Thursday for Bridge week The social feature of the occasion was much enjoyed as the crowd assembled on th spacious lawn of the parson age The proceeds of the evening will be used for interior improvements to the parsonage This week has been marked with cool weather following the recent splendid rain which have been a great help to the crops and gardens which had become almost obsolete The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church held it regular monthly meeting on Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs Crute on Seventh street A programme of interest and inspiration wa rendered Miss Winsome Battershill left on Thursday for a weeks stay at Notto way Va She wa accompanied by Mrs' wm Brann of South Boston Va Mrs Richard co*ker of Hartsville 8 arrived here on riday Tor a visit to her mother Mrs Amis i Mr and Mrs Torlan have returned home from a visit to their This timely event offers you many unusual opportunities to effect worth IL while savings literally hundreds of the seasons smartest II frocks offered at greatly lowered prices there are styles for I every day time occasion so whether you want a chic little sport frock II or a more elaborate dress for confident find II just what you want in the various groups presented in this sale I i a RINGGOLD July The revival which begun at the Ringgold Baptist church last Monday evening will con JjJT Unite through Wednesday night Rev Hughe of Alton I conducting this revival There will be services Sunday morning' at II o'clock and Bunday evening at 7:45 o'clock Sunday morn iKWl lng at 10:30 o'clock Rev Hughes will Bfej taik to the 'children th Bunday for thirty minutes Ml Lucy erguson ha returned home from the hospital in Danville Wto where he WM an operative patient is getting on nicely Mlas Dora Barker continues ill at Mwjphe1 memorial hospital Danville She was reported'ilghtly improved ye ISuterdayL Mahd WlUianu' of Sutherlin RBttj has been the guest of Miss loyd Kwftarmer this week Mis Dorothy Bennett spent several thia week at the home of Mr Mrs Bennett Mra 'A Batterman has hsr JuftSUI U)IS w'08K TuOlsiCT MTB Keen of Miss Elizabeth Ingram ls visiting Ml Charlotte Brandon this week Lon Stamps colored had the mls fortune to lose hl cow riday after The cow: waJ tied near a ditch later being found in the ditch with a nck'' Ml Carrie' Daniel has returned Burlington where she btUtled relatives 4r 0raitmtluior 257DOO000 total farm land of th United are to produce forage IMzV" 7 i 4 2 LEAKSVILLE July The com munlty Is Interested in "Home Com ing on Sunday July 16 at St Andrews Mission about five mile from Leaksvllle on the Galloway farm The event marks the 21st anniver sary of the work at St Andrews and the 20th anniversary of the coming of Miss Lily H1U present mission mother There will be preaching service at eleven in the morning and commun ion followed by a basket dinner on the lawn At 2:30 o'clock In the aft ernoon there will be a service in which several visiting ministers will take part The history of St Andrew mleslon will be given by Rev Gordon who has been in elose touch with the work years Mr and Mrs turned from a ping in New York Atlantic City and Boston rom the latter place Ran dolph Salmons a brother of Mrs King joined them and return to Leaksvllle for a visit Misses Peggy Mansfield Elizabeth Griggs and Thelma Robins members of the Church of the Epiphany and Misses Almeria Gordon and Rachel Hundley from St Luke's church In Spray are at Camp Penick for two weeks Mrs Payne and two grand children Louise and Billy Payne of Lone Oak Va spent riday in Leaks ville Mias Susan Abernethy of Charlotte who la a teacher in the Burton Grove graded school arrived Wednesday for a visit in the home of Mr and Mrs Ivie Later she will go to Chl Icago to attend the Century of Pro gress exhblltion Mlsa Anna Sanborn of Kanrel HL and Misses Mary Ivey and Anne Smith of Orange Va are visiting Mr and Mra Smith at their home Willow Oaks Draper A number of social i courtesies are being given for the at tractive visitors Mra Marshall and daughter The most that South could make MUs pmy Marshall are in New York ing wrong on the opening lead TREASURY RECEIPTS WASHINGTON July Treasury receipts for July 13 were 8570079458 expenditures 11 uunn ana enuaren Mainau Hazel Nashville Tenn are visiting her pa ana Maoie uunn Mr ana Mrs a Setllff Mr and Mrs Barker and children Elwood Louise Jr and Dbra Lee Barker Mr and Mrs Ben ton Setllff and son Benton Jr Mr and Mr A Cantrell and daugh ter Mr and Mr E' Setllff Miaa Beulah Setllff and Alex Setllff I All departed ei late hour wish RECENT BRIDE HONORED Honoring Mrs Briggs a June bride formerly Miss rances Craig of Gastonia Miss Phoebe Clark enter tained riday afternoon at 'the home of Mrs Saunders on Main street Tree tables of contract were ar ranged the place being in dicated bv a corsage of pink roses At the completion of the playing Miss I for a severe lacerations as result of Sarah Price Kemp was awarded high score prize Second highest honors went to Mrs Van Howard Mr Briggs received a bridge lamp and table Guests gifts of finger towels hand kerchief and lingerie were presented Mrs Palmer of Hattlesburgh Miss Mr Mauney of Char lotte and Mrs Blackard of Meadows of the Dan Va Delightful refreshments were served In the lovely dining room of the Saunders home The honoree's place at the dining table was marked by a tiny pair of silk slippers Those present were: Mrs Briggs honoree Mrs Van Howard Mrs Ed win Glass Mrs Mauney of Charlotte Mrs Palmer of Hat tiesburg Miss Mrs Mrs Blackard of Meadow of the Dan Va and Misses Lucile Wind sor Jennie Satterfield Dorothy Gillie Evelyn Kemp Sarah Price Kemp and Dorethy Humphreys 1 were present and two visitors The meeting was called to order by the present Mrs Hundley after which the treasurer made her report for the last year Next Mrs George Schaeffer I gave the history of the unit for last year which was a very interesting pa per and greatly enjoyed by all The president reported spending500 for'CTothing for two children of an ex service man who were being sent to an orphanage and buying pants for little boys of another service man so that they might tend Sunday school The unit has been assigned new patients at Oteen np sLaifi cnnveniion hl wiiKina Margie Russell vllle Beach was next discussed and several expressed a desire to go but electing of aeiegates was aeierrea un til It wa found out definitely who was going i The election of officers was next entered into and all the old officers were unanimously re elected except i the treasurer who resigned The offi cers for next year as as follows: I Mrs Clay Hundley I irst vice president Mrs Luther Griffith Second vice president Mrs Oscar Leath Secretary Miss Bessie Coleman Treasurer Mrs Hugh White After the business a social hour was enjoyed during which the hostess served delicious refreshments The i meeting adjourned to meet next vnAnlk nrlfK MVo rXAnta WaiirAtTA Reidsville Rotary and Klwanls clubs business men and quite a number of women who went to Midway yester 1 day afternoon to attend the rural 1 picnic came back singing load praises of the hannv occasion Briggs JrMrs NealPAlmerMrsBlll Nearly a hundred farmers were 'pmith Mrs XMll onuin Mrs rrou (Smothers and Miss Dorothy Gillie Evelyn and' Sarah Pnce Kemp Annie Xvooton Phoebe Clark Dorothy Hum phreys Jennie Satterfield north09 4 10 2 OK) 3 5 6 5 2 ACT 675 AQ 83 K75 AI0974SOUTH KQ Coealek) I AKJ 10 6 3 2 A 9 i I 4' 1 Jw XIGHl an altercation between herself and Resale Taylor another negro woman 1 of that shectlon Officer John Pettigrew arrested Resale an4 she is In the municipal hoosegow where she will remain un til her victim la able to attend trial Harvey Mabes and Pratt were arrested at a distillery of 175 gallons I capacity in Rockingham county dur ing a raid staged by Investigators Ratledge and Sparrow as sisted by United States Commissioner Hundley of Leaksvllle and Jim Grey The raid also netted seven gal lons of whiskey and about 500 gal lons of beer It was f6un necessary by the officers to deprive Mrs Mabes wife of one of the defendants of the use of two new wash tubs which had been converted Into mash containers Probable cause was found against Mabes and Pratt at a preliminary hearing before Commissioner Hund ley and they were held for federal court Both were committed to Jail in default of bond Mrs Troy Adams la In Henderson ville to spend sometime with her par ents Rlehardson and John Watt visited Durham and Raleigh this nocuous method of sounding out week Mavoerry ana aaugnter emsy Lee left Wednesday tor Henderson of diamonds would set the heart vllle Arnold Goodman will leave today so would the lead of the ten UMchlnntnh rn uaj ivi lioiMugvvrj i spend ten days with his grandparents' would be five spades Had West Mr and Mrs Will Babb of Mlnnea not put In his dangerous overcoll polls are guests of Mr and Mrs Wm 1 Richardson on Maoie avenue Pah Mr and Mrs Parsons Mr would have been the more advan tageous Against a heart im con tract played by East North and South could make only th ace of diamonds snd that card must be led right away or North and South uuuir vviui ne i muwici wouia taxe no tricxs as an Almost John Coan at Winston Salem any South would open the ace of Mrs Hundley of Stuart Is diamonds the guest of parents Mr and Mrs But the only way for a grand slam Sheppard to be made uld be with West Mrs Via of Roanoke Is visiting playing the hand and North guesa hcr mother Mrs joe snopsmre Geo Louis Jones and John Clark I were visitors In Richmond this week Miss George Griggs Mrs Guy All bright and Mrs Carpenter were visitors in Ronnoke thia week Mrs Bowles and children of 47163660 balance 85959086081 Custom duties for thirteen days of July 812216606 The jlmson weed gets Its name from a corruption of the hungry Virginia colonist once dined on a mesa of jlmson weed green and war lucky' to escape wlfK thdr lluaa alnrAi fha CONTRSj Iflil illl II II I.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.