Danville Register and Bee from Danville, Virginia (2024)

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TVr'T THE DANVTttfi miSfER AERIE 16 1611' A MERE MENTION 0 Ven in jto i MEWS MEETING TODAY Tailoring 1 LOSSLIE DUCK HUNTING DANVILLE'S BEST STORE 515 517 519 MAIN STREET suit Strikes snag Attractive Values X7 THK TT (rOssaru 'JCORJETS A get a fitting in ANOTHER JAIL DELIVERY Our Suit Department In Also novelties in Cream Storm Serge Shirt Waists Voile Jumpers from $250 to $1200 Tailored liilk Waists frorti $500 to $750 1 li I ha a Mrst AlmeyIa Coleman who Jr in Ala 4s at in Mobile attending the Association Lee lefiTaiL night for IO 11L the delegates to the recently had at I make reports echoes from the convention bo of interest Mr Hairy Allen sing A Delegates Will Tell of the Visit to Charlottesville The men's meeting in the A building Sunday aftbmoon nt 2 20 o'clock wilLbe one of interest to the members of the association and citi zens generally In the place of the utual address State convention i Charlottesville will These win Will jPureBlack Petticoats: PILES SUviED IN 5 TO 1' DAYSlI PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching Blind Bleed ing or Protruding Piloe (ni6 to 14 davs or money refunded 50c 'suwefrl In a very large assortment of styles in Lingerie from $100 to $10 00 Tub Tfusrofficial Says He Has Sepa rate Deferfse Washington April government civil dissolution suit against the so called "bath? tub has snag which In lves nq Interpretation of the immu Tv Rtat11CHf 3 Ono of thimlefendants has up 1 let 1 hat ho had a separate de und calk ton hfs co dofendnts vU tresses The Department of hut co entertains some concern that the co dcfendants were allowed tor st ify in that way they might be free plead immunity and defeat the gov ernment suit Briefs on bpth sides were filed to day in the linked "States circuit court nt government con tondirfg that Congress in framing theImmunity actintended that itshould apply to those' who testify for the goverfifiient If the contention of'the defendants should be sustained the case would suffer a serious set back Indictments Dismissed Norfolk Va April All indict ments returned by the Norfolk coun ty grand jury for alleged violations of the Virginia antl gamlng laws at tno Jamestown race track were dis missed by Justice Carmine tonight We would be glad to have you come down and one of these snug fitting corsets Handsomely trimmed fancy Silk Waists from $500 to $1000 in a large varietyof patterns Death oCMrzida Dix uneral of Mrs Ida Dix will take llach at 3 Sunday ffbfn rbsi dence 403 Henry street Mrs Dixdied at 4:30 a yesterday Husband and two children father mother and three brothers survive 1 1 I 5 i Entirely New Showing 4 KIMONAS LONG AND'WofcT: DRESSING SACQUESa fY WASHABLE HOUSE DRESSES HERMAN 7 fe ft Important Sale vard Patton and two companions were shooting ducks In midstream when then boat which carried them struck a rock and capsized throwing the occupants into the river whicV with his family was swonen a rom recent rains Two of the men were saved by uiirieib agamsr mo supports a bridge imt Ir Tat ton although 10 I in A pukkU IU imi(pllUH hUUH i 1 1 1 1 i I cl saukibcfore atd could reach him Thy riyer lias been dragged for several miles but at a late hour tonight thd body had not been recovered The di'ceaxml" whtrwas lihmfffilPiI was a of one of oldest families' in Transylvania county Wants Early Hearing Washington April 15 Department of Justice today filed a motion in the Supreme Court of rhe United States asking for an early hearing in a case Involving a review oi an unsuccessful indictment against Ccnrad A' Plyler of North Carolina In that case the point Is whether nor not it is a fraud on the gov eminent to forge a signature to art application for rural letter carrfeis AMOUS BANDIT PAROLED Chris Evans Released rom Peril tentfary at Sacremento Sacramento Call April Chris Evans the train robber of Evans and Soiyitag: potority was paroled from pi Ison today daughter who lc a resident of Sacramento had made repeated efforts to obtain hls release The former bandit is feeble health and if' is thought willfiot 'Ha has been anin mate of olsbm for keventeert years A condition of his parole Is' that he be taken by his family to Oregon When the news was given to Evans In' the prison he Buck al Main Street'sMethodist church at ilia evening' sen ic' Easter Miss O'Neal is tlie icmlt'r Of the Pct worth church in Washington J' TTT Wl 'l' 'I Christian Science fei vices Masonic Temp'o at 11 a) i Subject' 'Doctrine of John lTf2h HzThe public will receive a cordial vt clcome un dayJSchool at 10:15 a same bund itgjj Wednesday eveningat 1 will hold1" their regular and I testimonial: meeting PublicltjvlteJ Long Vet Spell? v' Prettyr soon the glad Springtime will forth in all its melodious splendor and the long wet spell in April will be forgot Of course to pultons of the Star Jauudry weather conditlona count for little as filtering 'plants keep tlie water soft nnd clean Andrihis isVtyhv you gfet that snoTv white 'finish all the year Sene us Qun bundle this and everyeck We do vour mending free of The Star Laundry for No 85 PICNIC AT COUNTRY CLUB Planned or Members Tomorrow Jf The Weather Permits If the weather jierinits there will be a picnic at the Country Club onEasier Monday Lemonade and crack ers will be furnished by the club 'All dav and the children are expected td be on hand Baskets left at the West nna grocery company' store by o'clock will be sent out We have these in a 'full assortment of sizes in three models at each price at $3 50 $500 $650 and $850 tVe have just received a large shipment and the assortment is now complete In Lingerie and Cambric Princess and Suits to gether with the most complete assortment of Gowns Skirts and Corset Covers worthy of an early inspection a Without belts buckles bands straps or other patent contrivances they naturally easily sensibly and comfortably Support the abdo the classic back and give correct poise to the wearer They are made jlthe finest matcrials are easily adjusted and are enthusiastically endorsed by leading dressmakers for their beautiful lines and by eminent physicians for their hygienic qualities Illustration from The Butterick ashion Sheet for We are Showing some" beautiful special styles in Black Voile Skirts Some are perfectly plain tailored others daintily trimmed in braid work will be awaited cwitn much Interest 1110 railroad docs not ask for moul ey at present but does request? sup port and good will free right ofway and the like The committe includes Messrs Wi'ev Catr Carr Guthrie Ii Morehea 1 White and IL Two Incarcerated In Tool Proof Hrison Escape Another easy jail delivery as a Willie Wllhdij of Wythe ville is the gifikt of Mrs ton Miss Margfroi Graham Wash jnglon is spending Easier with her parents Mr and Mfs Gul hamChcstnut TCrYSCe Ellen Ilarvie who has been 1 Jiving hLnstfihinCrri1oC: pat several ycarpreliirns In 1 Linville to morrow to uiftko hei liuuio' Mr I1 Williams has return frchi Hichinond where lie luts been spending the past menth at lh Wal hospital While tlterc hr pawed' State board examination tis certified accountant nfid Mrs Wtllhfnsun and Mrs Taylor left yesterday on No 3t for Washington to spend EtLster Mr Tavlqr goes as delegate the A ft They will stop at the 1 NCW AVtllaM MIs I hhel Anderson who has been making Dunvfllo her home for a year left riday for Boston Mass Murray Hnliertson is' nt the General Hospital wlu re ho wna op erated on for appciiditicls he is do Irig os well as could be expected Nannie Watkins from the Normal school at 'iirmville is with her mother Mrs Wr Wat kins for the Easter holidays Mr and Mrs Lynn Williams and Miss Lou Williamson 'of Burling 1 ten are visiting their sister MrstJ Magnrlcr on Sutherlin Sheriff Sbeihorse of Chat bant who was in attendance at the ederal Court as a witness i several days during the past week returnedhome yesterday Dr Womack of Chatham was registered at the Burton last night Truesdale and Mr andMrs Pitcher or Spray were guests at the Burton yesterday Mr 'Albert Baird of Hichr mond is spending Easter with rela fives in the city Mr Howard Collie of Roanokea is in the cify the guest of his parents Officer and' Mrs A Collie for Easter William Holcombe of tji? University of Virginia (he guest of Mr and Mrs Decatur Jlolcomue for Easter Lewis' Matiby Is spending Easter with Midshipman Robdrt Mau ry at) the United States Naval 'Acad emjv at Md Miss 'Bottle Tric rf Lvnchbnrg is spendinf Easter home in tho Meadows i Madge" LleqAcif qTVlnce ton a student at theflantfloph Macon Woman's College Lynchbut is spending the Easter season with her friend Miss ElvaDarrow 1 Paxton avenue Lf whc iis? at tending IL Ljnchbmij is visiting her sister Mrs Bec ham' Paxton' avenue for Easter RllVKS The Jeweler SOCIAL AND PERSONAL5 Mms Mary' Ulis' Louisville? Ky ho is "attending Sweei Briar is tho giiett of her grfirtdparents Mr and 'Mra t' A Walker West Main stieet fot Easter teaching present Alabama Special line of Wash Dresses have just been opened which in addition to the already large line we already have makes the stock very complete in this particular line 'MAY: RfiE Copies at our Butterick Pattern Counter Aisle Main loor BACK ROMHATHAMy Danville Ladles Visit Mrs CZ Mj arc the I Mrs "Jefferson 'tf Mrs': Harrv ltzgerad and Miss Jialhe Echo's a vj'ret rned from a a nituurliere they visited Clara Au the Chatham Episcopal Institute ''t iMrs Moore bas a large and enthn startle class of school girls there andhas done much good by her work in ift that beaijtl fult 5'peJof work' which de velopes not only Jhe physical'' bui also the spin itual and enables each of hei jmplls tq express is highest amf nest: in their nature Danville recently had a visit from Moore" 25c to $198 25c 98c $14 5 to $198 RUTION sVlLL Between Russlirs arid Chinese In Manchuria Cays Reports Seattle Mash April Japanese newspapers brought today by rhe steamer Antilochusreport continued friction between 'Russians Chi nese in Manchuria' A Zoo Chowtletter tollsof the deal li on March 1G from pueurtioiiia of Dr of I Zoo Chow member of the staff ot be Atlant Const Itutlon dle was HL years old a native of Georgia and went to China 18S2 Is Now On jlhe prices $1250' $1450 and $fwbj Will certainly interest you 7l Styles are correct Materials of good workmanship such as you expect on higher priced garments A Easter Cand More daintily gotten up and in areater demand for remem brances than ever before No Easter ever ap peared in jnore fetching attire? inwMK wreath ofi exquisite ribbons bidsrfair to completelyoutdstance everything else In the race for supremacy among Easter jiva ALWAYS RESH 5 AT drug SORE AD maa tllord cut ud made tooor order from your measure from to SULM it Kurteed Our Suits from M0M to re tho fin est quality la every respect that cai made jse We will make Suita from your ma terial if yoa Utah ft Enright Tailoring to Seutn Unloa fit Up Sttlra Another easy jail delivery as a re sult of which two white prisoners lns earcerated in the new Danville tocl proof jail sawed filed or cut their way to freedom was disclosed this niorAing' having been perpetrated durj ing the hirhtJ Nobody seems to havj even suspected any activity or to nearu any hoJse among the prisoners but today the bars of lhecell inwhich 'fhpywereconfine were found severed and the open winlow showed the point of egress the fugitives dropping to the ground below a distance of only about eight feet 1 The men who escaped are Carl Har ris and Charles Wilson both? white arrested recently and awaiting trial on the felony of house break were the pair who were detected1? and arrested 7 the act 7 of burglarizing the drug store in North Danville Recently The case against them Was so strong and clear 'that penitentiary doors fairly yuwnedi them Jafi breaking7 (offered about the only' hope 5C a penal term in striped garb Sergeant Baugh was on'dnty last tnightL He heard no disturbance or noise it seems The prisoners evl fiently took advantage of the noise of the" heavy downpour of rain after midnight to ply their the cell bars Possibly they had been secret ly or sawing foil several nights I skillfully their pro I gress each day Aboti all Unit is I known ''is Vthat the two menriiave I skipped Vamoofeed "and that no I trace of them ha yet been discovered I They are probably in North Carolina I by this time 1 I sThere milst wrong the quality of thejworki I by on rac to rs wh rec I ly built' the new jail The bars were I supposed? to be of tool proof or case I hardened steel ''1 I An investigation wilprobably follow 1 1 this second attempted: jail delivery 7 1 within' a monlhs Recently Dep uty Sergeant 'Boisseau' detected' two esca'ping prisoners (is ll ey were in' pthe act of leading the? jailTTt is ident that thejafU is Insecure and that tho city I and citizens hove not secured what they paid The responsibility' will probably be fixed the proper' authority A 1 North Carolinians Downs In rencn Broad Nar Brevard i 1 A111 11 ns i a lkaA AanuMiie i April inc ivi of the duckAvas responsible for thj Washington and Ifaltimoiv loss ot another life in this section lelithes liiismorning when Patton 21 i Mr 11 Herndon left yesterday voars old lost his life while Jiunting for: Washington to spend Sunday with ernthe rench Broad river near JIve Cal John Herndon I Ida O'Neal pf Washing ton is visaing her aunt Mrs Graham Chestnut Terrace Mr A Weller of Buriningham Ala Js in tho rity to spend Easter Silk Petticoats 'extra as well as regular sizes prices $450 and 7 $500 To close out you can take your choice None 1 A Pure Linen Man tailored Suit NEW LOCATlbN JUST ABOVE UNION STREET April Sale oulard Taff eta aiid ssaiihebresfiei Monogram obs made icwlth your initials are the most' attractive orna ments you can ftfr the lady as well as for the gentleman We make them in a hurry sometimes as yon wait Artistically arranged and prices from $300 to to quality ot gold used at two styles'we offer? a Linen Suit? value fine Catena) perfect fitting at about the cost6 of the materialt $7 50 All sizes 14 to 42V a SPLENDID BARGAINS IN LATEST IN Hite ge iiejDres jes THAT ARE POsiTIVELYjsURPRISING VALUES AT a $2198 S350 and $498 And other Styles tolGSO MriycBarrow is the gucst nlL his mother vMrs Barrow ton avenue for Easter Mr and Mrs Oscar Estes of anoke are spending Easter with Col onel and Mrs Dudley Main street1 I Mrs A Roe of Washington D7 is the guest of Mrs Lewis Ilarvie for Easter Saunders a prosperous farmer of Rockingham county NCl was ir tha city this week on4mportant Luness I LI 5 th 1 siS tore i give you what you ask forVwe fin Prescriptions xith Jle Purest Drugs thata can be 'bought Call996 and we send for and deliver your once Coleman I Wallace 512 MAIN ST E'996 SOME SNAPS! A lot of sizes" shapes ft i colors of Whiting's best grade Writ ing Papers 7 Regular afffllJB value 50c A lot ot miscellaneous Box and Pound Papers regular 25c 15c 50c 75c $100 and $150t' zJ Genuine Leather Qoiod Card Cases OAE THIOOf urses Wallets 'Purses and" B11 Rolls Prices from 27 A special lot of "i sell Ing regularly' at 30c dozen Sheets Ua now for Tr It Everything in Hjir stocks? we will' sell at I Discounts from 25 percbnt'off regular prices except" Jdea! ountain Pens Si rV'M 'V BOATWRIGHT BROS CO TWO GAMES TOMORROW Lj MEANS MUCH OR CITY TJ 1 I Locale to Play Picked Team rom Proposed Durham and Danville Road Mill Hands I 1 'J' petting Down to Business The Red Sox will celebrate Easter I The new Durham and bunville rail playing two games one at 10 3O: road Is advertised extensively in yhe in the morning and one at 4 sin ihe county and seeiur? to meui contests will be 'vnile buslnessfThe joad inaleiho i iirt picked team from the Riverside and ccuutles'Mhrough itpassA andithe Dan 'River Lotton Mills The RedJ3ox wilt lend the milites a battery )r Is said that two good games may be exjected as the mills haveome good ball players jS The local club is badly in need! of practice the two games in Grehs bbroJiclug lost largely due to this Tdct Tt is expected that large crowd will Jic in attendance upon games A 'fiance will be at Ballou Park during the PITTSYLVANIA VOTERS ATTE Should the deputies fall to see yo'li by 1st send your capitation lax of $158 to Hje Treasurer at Chatham to vote this year your head' tax must be in the hands of either the Treasur eror his Deputies by night May Gth' 1911 Yotr will find Dun Jtiv er Deputy Booker irr an'vill' every Saturday either at' II Up Store or riheAmerlcan Na tlcnal Bank' To reach' Tunstall Dei' uty A Thomas leave word at National Bank ofi Danvllli or fhaM him at Holland's warehouse yApril l5tli or 29th at Whltmell April LStn April WBachelor'A Hall 'April' 20th Schoolfield' Api il 22nd Any information relative to'lax'ac' counts gladly furnished COLES 4 14 Treasurer nfiV i Ear 4 'rfk fiA rttil Ml.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.